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Netflix kinda sucks...


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Nov 10, 2006
West Hills, CA
So we finally signed up for Netflix after getting a good deal on a Samsung smart TV last week.

The TV itself is great...Very happy with that.

I had heard so many great things about Netflix and I was telling my daughter that we can access more movies than we had been able to with On Demand....Very excited to give 'er a go!

So I was thinking Star Wars would be a great movie for us to watch together, but it was not available (?!) Kind of a bummer, but okay...

Then I thought Raiders of the lost Ark would be fun, since she has been on the ride may times at Disneyland....Nope, not there either. Crap!

So I came to the conclusion that there must be some licensing thing where Spielberg films are not on Netflix. (Very disappointing...Not necessarily a huge Spielberg fan, but he has done some pretty great films)

So after searching for 2 or 3 more NON-Spielberg titles that were also NOT there, I reluctantly switched to the "kids" category, only to find that there was no search feature! WTF?

So I am generally very disappointed with my first foray into the world of streaming content, after 6 of the movies I wanted to watch we're unavailable.

Does anyone have a service (like Amazon or others) that they prefer over Netflix?

Any ideas/suggestions appreciated :)


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
I like Hulu and Netflix. They are both cheaper than cable. Netflix has a lot of great stuff that I would never have found if it wasn't for them. Like crazy documentaries and such. I love Hulu though.
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Aug 5, 2013
philadelphia pa
I agree, very disappointing. Some people swear by netflix and Im not sure why. I had it for a while but ran through any movie I wanted to watch pretty quickly and they don't add movies to frequently, at least any that are worth keeping it. Pretty much I just ended up giving them 8$ a month until I finally got around to canceling it.


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
Netflix has some interesting stuff and about 1-2 movies pop up every couple months I want to watch. Overall, it's primarily good for watching old TV. If you want to have a library of movies at your fingertips, either buy the DVD/BR, or buy a digital copy. What you (and I) are hoping for is a movie version of Spotify, and it's just not there unfortunately.
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May 17, 2010
Geneva, IL
I cancelled my Netflix and kept Hulu Plus. The movies I wanted to watch were only ever available in the DVD package. I can go to Redbox when I want to get a dvd.


BoM July '13
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Jan 3, 2010
Love my Netflix. Plenty of shows to choose from, and enough movies to intermingle.

by the time I work my way through the stuff I want to watch, something new gets added.


BoM March 2013
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Oct 27, 2012
Netflix offers those movies with their dvd/blu-ray mailer service if you were ok with waiting a couple days to get the movie in the mail. It's not streaming, but it is a way to get the movies through netflix. I have found that every streaming service has pros and cons and all are limited in someway, but the good thing is that most of them offer trial periods for you to test out to find what you like. Also, networks and cable providers (like HBO and Comcast) are starting to offer streaming content as well so that might be another option for you.


BoM May '14
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Apr 13, 2012
San Diego
Did you sign up for the free trial of Netflix? You can usually cancel before the month is up and not be charged.

I have both Netflix and Hulu+, both are great for the price. I don't get super mad, because it's so cheap. I have friends that have tried Amazon Instant video and are pleased with it as well.

I agree, that's definitely a bummer of not being able to get the huge blockbuster hits and/or classics. Maybe they will ink a deal sometime in the future, but until then we have to deal with the Blu-ray's. For me, I like to buy the box set of Blu-rays, then I have a hard copy to use, in case my computer/internet goes FUBAR! The Blu-ray's if you buy them will look amazing on your new TV by the way!


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
We use a combo of Netfix and VuDu...

If there is something I absolutely must see (current season of TV series.. hot movie.. etc..).. We'll go to VuDu and pay to rent it... its cheaper than pay per view was on direct tv most of the time.. and the selection is just as good if not better...

We use Netflix daily though.. most of the disney shows that our youngest likes are there (ANT Farm, Jessie, Good Luck Charlie, etc..etc..).. and we watch episodes of "family" TV regularly (stuff off of discovery, TLC, nat geo, etc..)..

Normally we will find a series we like on Netflix and watch everything they have.. and then catch the current season on VuDu if its still an active series (SOA, etc..)...

We've watched damages, breaking bad, and several other series from start to finish on Netflix... absolutely love it... I am soooooooooooooo glad we killed direct TV...
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Sep 3, 2013
Washington State
Hulu plus has the commercials which are a drag. I still prefer Netflix and I have all 3 - Amazon is primarily a pay per view service but is the closest to what the OP poster is looking for, where you can pull a movie out of your mind and be watching it in seconds. I use the Netflix mail for that, but you have to be patient. Never used Redbox but a lot of people swear by it. I have too many bad memories from Blockbuster LOL.

I just recently cancelled Directv and am going exclusively with streaming and network tv. I'm already having ESPN withdrawal...


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Nov 10, 2006
West Hills, CA
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions!

To be clear, I do have cable, and I am good with the pricing and services. I was hoping that Netflix would be able to provide just tons of movies that I could easily access...I think maybe my expectations were too high.

So, are ANY Spielberg films available through any streaming service, or is this like the Beatles/iTunes thing?


BoM July '13
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Jan 3, 2010
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions!

To be clear, I do have cable, and I am good with the pricing and services. I was hoping that Netflix would be able to provide just tons of movies that I could easily access...I think maybe my expectations were too high.

So, are ANY Spielberg films available through any streaming service, or is this like the Beatles/iTunes thing?
I just watched a Star Wars film on the Streaming service a few months ago. So definitely not a Beatles/iTunes thing.


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206   0   1
Nov 10, 2006
West Hills, CA
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions!

To be clear, I do have cable, and I am good with the pricing and services. I was hoping that Netflix would be able to provide just tons of movies that I could easily access...I think maybe my expectations were too high.

So, are ANY Spielberg films available through any streaming service, or is this like the Beatles/iTunes thing?

I just watched a Star Wars film on the Streaming service a few months ago. So definitely not a Beatles/iTunes thing.
Which streaming service?


BoM July '13
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Jan 3, 2010
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions!

To be clear, I do have cable, and I am good with the pricing and services. I was hoping that Netflix would be able to provide just tons of movies that I could easily access...I think maybe my expectations were too high.

So, are ANY Spielberg films available through any streaming service, or is this like the Beatles/iTunes thing?

I just watched a Star Wars film on the Streaming service a few months ago. So definitely not a Beatles/iTunes thing.
Which streaming service?
Netflix. Just to clarify that it wasn't their "ship a DVD to your house" service.


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206   0   1
Nov 10, 2006
West Hills, CA
Ahhhhh....So some movies ( I guess based on distributor, director, license, etc.) are available on a rotation basis, then.
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Mar 24, 2013
Fort Myers FL
We cancelled out Netflix dvd service as we would slack on sometimes getting the DVDs back out. We share streaming with my brother in law now but when want a newer flick to see I hit redbox up, $1.25 a DVD.

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
I find that you have to have a combination of streaming services if you want to "find" exactly what you are looking for. I pay for Netflix, but use it as a "lets see what I can find" type of thing. I rarely use the search feature as I know most of what I want to see isn't going to be there. At $8 a month I don't expect too much from them. I have Vudu, Amazon, MGo and Netflix on both TV's (1 Smart TV and one hooked up to a PS3), and mostly use the pay per view services to price shop and save a buck or two when I can, they all seem to run different specials and it usually is a long process of me picking out a movie anyway, so I hunt the deals a bit. I also use RedBox and reserve movies and pick em up on the way home.