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How are you filling your time?

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Jan 30, 2017
Assuming some, if not most of us are spending more time at home these days what are you doing to fill your spare time? Or are you still at Walmart trying to find that last roll of toilet paper and can of Spam?
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May 25, 2018
I am a musician so i am out of work for who knows how long. During the day I've been filling out job applications for anything I can think of and practicing. At night I've been smoking cigars. It's been nice in a way but I'm going through my small collection quickly and without a source of income I don't see replenishing anytime soon. Things could be worse though. I'm happy I have a few good cigars to smoke for now and I'm enjoying this time at home with my wife and my dogs. I was supposed to be on the road for a couple of weeks. It's a little depressing in a way but I'm trying to look on the bright side of things I guess.


I don't smoke cigars often... HaHa just kidding :)
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Dec 12, 2019
Lake Mary, FL
So far for me nothing has changed except my office is now setup at home vs the office. I miss the interactions in the office, the coffee/tea machines, the views, and my desk with 4 monitors. In replacement I have a small desk setup with 3 monitors, get to view my back patio/pool, have unlimited cigar breaks and the weather has been stellar in the 70s - 80s. Everything else has pretty much stayed the same, oh traffic is much much less so that's nice.


I don't smoke cigars often... HaHa just kidding :)
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Dec 12, 2019
Lake Mary, FL
Why? What's going on?
The Corona apocalypse currently infecting/killing about 1/500 as many Americans as the common influenza (flu) currently in the low 1000s affected and less than 100 killed. But it seems to affect older people much worse and they run the country/world so let's close everything.

By contrast h1n1 11 years ago affected 60 million Americans (mostly younger people) and they don't run the world so we didn't close much of anything. Oh and just in 2020 influenza had killed over 16000 in the US /Sarcasm


"That guy"
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Oct 9, 2018
Delaware, AR
The Corona apocalypse currently infecting/killing about 1/500 as many Americans as the common influenza (flu) currently in the low 1000s affected and less than 100 killed. But it seems to affect older people much worse and they run the country/world so let's close everything.

By contrast h1n1 11 years ago affected 60 million Americans (mostly younger people) and they don't run the world so we didn't close much of anything. Oh and just in 2020 influenza had killed over 16000 in the US /Sarcasm
I'm up to speed! I'm just an introvert that works at a power plant, so nothing in my life has changed! Although there's rumors flying around that we may get locked on site at some point in the near future.

Pros:24/7 pay, straight time not on shift and either 1.5-2x when on shift, free meals, and an unlimited supply of toilet paper!!!

Cons: away from family for potentially upwards of 60 days

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk


I don't smoke cigars often... HaHa just kidding :)
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Dec 12, 2019
Lake Mary, FL
I'm up to speed! I'm just an introvert that works at a power plant, so nothing in my life has changed! Although there's rumors flying around that we may get locked on site at some point in the near future.

Pros:24/7 pay, straight time not on shift and either 1.5-2x when on shift, free meals, and an unlimited supply of toilet paper!!!

Cons: away from family for potentially upwards of 60 days

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk
I figured but was looking for an opportunity to rant lol


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Life is normal...Im retired and have a buttload of cigars and pipe tobacco and booze.....I've been ready for Armageddon before it became popular...the sky is not falling and staying home away from the doomsayers is sorta nice. I have plenty of food and shop during off hours just to stay away from the "tree people" who make their lives all about gloom and doom.
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Feb 4, 2015
Business as usual here for the most part - my fiancé and I have 4 kids between us so we usually buy things like TP in bulk, so this rationing BS could potentially be a pain in the ass... only real difference is that schools being closed means she has all 4 kids during the day instead of just the youngest 2, but that’s no different from summer break
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Aug 20, 2019
I am a musician so i am out of work for who knows how long. During the day I've been filling out job applications for anything I can think of and practicing. At night I've been smoking cigars. It's been nice in a way but I'm going through my small collection quickly and without a source of income I don't see replenishing anytime soon. Things could be worse though. I'm happy I have a few good cigars to smoke for now and I'm enjoying this time at home with my wife and my dogs. I was supposed to be on the road for a couple of weeks. It's a little depressing in a way but I'm trying to look on the bright side of things I guess.
I’m in the same boat as you. All gigs/tours cancelled for the foreseeable future. Sessions and lessons all happening remotely with varying levels of success. My income is pretty diversified (learned that the hard way from the last financial crisis) so we’ll be good for.... for at least a little while. PM me your address bro, I’ll get a musician friendly care package out to ya. One thing I certainly don’t lack is cigars!

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Oct 25, 2017
At work same as usual. All restaurants and bars in the county are being forced to limit occupancy to 50 people on the entire premises, including employees, all from the 6 confirmed cases in the area, lol. Everyone just wants to look like they’re doing something about it.

We were well stocked on toilet paper before all this nonsense, and we don’t go out to eat much, so literally zero impact on my life so far.


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
No work for the time being (school closed), but have my pension so I'm fine financially. All restaurants closed for all but curbside pickup or delivery, I'll likely use that more than I normally do.

Found a private gym that is available to me so I will still get to lift 5-6 days a week for now.

Sunday at the grocery store they had no pork, no chicken and very limited beef. Hoping that gets resolved before I run out in a few days. 5 rolls of toilet paper, I'm ok as long as the GF doesn't try to stay here. ;)

Biggest issue is my Dad and his wife. His wife is in a nursing home, and he spends 8-10 hours there 7 days a week. They decided to ban all visits. He lives an hour away, I offered for him to come stay here but he declined. And after reading so much more, I'm afraid to go visit for fear of getting him sick if I were in fact sick but asymptomatic. He is 83 years old.

Hoping that people realize that the more we avoid large crowds and the like, the sooner this will hopefully be over. Otherwise, more 24 hour lockdowns like San Francisco's will become much more widespread.