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By this time tomorrow . . .


Deceased Dictator
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Sep 4, 2007
Congratulations, Bro! What a beautiful family.
My twins are 22 now. You are in for a lot of fun (and very little sleep).


Happy Fat Man
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Nov 28, 2005
Next to a workshop
So it turns out that Santa is not quite as "all knowing" as you might think. I had no idea you were having a baby boy, let alone TWO...So expect a little congratulatory surprise in the next few days!!! I figure you have enough cigars, so this might be something to slip into one of the many pockets in you diaper bag. And no it's not for the kids, but to help ease a stressful moment.. hehe. :halfgrinw
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Dec 15, 2007
Omaha, NE
Well, here's an update. Both boys are doing well. Here they are, Maxwell Elliot on the left and Dexter Aidan on the right:

My wife seems to be recovering very rapidly, and everything is progressing as it should. I really can't describe how all of this feels: surreal, amazing, scary, etc. I'm sure those of you who have been through this know what I mean.

Today has been quite a day. In addition to obvious excitement, one of my dogs was hit by a car. It happened when my in-laws went to my house to let the dogs out and feed them, and (against our advice) they took both dogs out at once. Franklin, our younger dog, went wild in the snow and tried to chase Teddy, the older dog. Somehow he broke loose and ran into the path of a taxicab. The cab hit him and then sped away. My in-laws managed to catch Franklin, who was limping but seemed otherwise perky. (As far as I can tell, this dog is nearly oblivious to pain!) He's spending the night at the University veterinary hospital, but the vets say his injuries are not terribly serious. He has something dislocated in his leg (knee or ankle?), but they think they can fix it by anesthetizing his leg and popping it back into place. We'll know tomorrow if surgery is necessary. Other than the leg, he has no other injuries other than a few minor scrapes.

The whole thing was quite an ordeal. When my father-in-law first called, he was so incoherent with fear and guilt that my wife thought he was trying to tell us that the dog had been killed by the car. We're EXTREMELY thankful that it is a relatively minor injury instead.

What a day! I feel extremely fortunate: my boys are healthy, my wife is healing rapidly, and Franklin the dog should recover completely.
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<b>Lead Moderator</b>
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Feb 8, 2006
West coast
You have had quite a week. Beautiful family. They grow up so fast, enjoy this time.