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1999 Vegas Robaina Classicos

Rating - 100%
14   0   0
Mar 22, 2009

1999 Vegas Robaina Classicos

Was gifted this cigar from a great BOTL. *Not that familiar with the Vegas Robaina marca. *Heard good things, just never made it onto my hit list so I was looking forward to trying this one.

This vitola was discontinued in 2012 so I hope I don't like it too much because it will cause anxiety and panic buying. *LOL *I'm starting to look for more coronas in anticipation for the upcoming winter. *

The wrapper is a molted chocolate colorado brown. *Has a slightly weathered look, like distressed leather. *Silky smooth to the touch with no veinage. *Slightly box pressed.

The wrapper has a nce hazelnut, chocolate aroma to it. *Salivation and anticipation starts now....

The cigar itself is firm. *Actually a little too firm for my liking. *Seeing that it is from the bad construction years (1999 -2001), I have a little trepidation if this will draw. *

Not getting much from the cold draw from the foot. *A little sweetness, some chocolate and a hint of leather. *Very faint. *Worrying continues to build.

The triple cap looks good. *Hope this isn't lipstick on a pig.

I start to punch a hole in the triple cap. *It's probably the hardest cap I have ever too a punch to. *More worrying as I don't have a back up cigar to enjoy while watching my daughter's soccer game. *GGRRR!!!!

Cold draw eases my concerns. *The draw is good. *Whew! *Chocolate, some sweetness and a hint of earthiness fit the palate. *Finding joy again!!!!

Time to take this to the flame.
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Rating - 100%
14   0   0
Mar 22, 2009

First Third

Very interesting initial puffs. *I didn't expect the strength to be so mucho, considering the flavours I experienced in the cold draw.

Strong black coffee, earthy flavours gang up on my palate and beat them like a government mule. *This guy has cojones!! *Very rich in flavour for a 12 year old cigar. *Some spice kicks in to give me an extra boot to the palate. *This will need to be sipped. *Not sure if I will be able to handle the strength, it's that strong. *Was this build with triple ligero?!?! *LOL

Afterfinish is lllooooggggg. *The flavours wrap my palate like saran wrap. *Gonna smoke this very slowly so I don't go reeling. *Might have to take a break and get some water or gatorade. *LOL

The draw is just how I like it. *Firm with copious amounts of smoke. *Something tells me I should have ate before this. *An emergency stop at McDonalds may be in order. * LOL

Burn line is straight and the ash is *dark and 'Dirty' grey.
Rating - 100%
14   0   0
Mar 22, 2009

Second third

After being initially traumatized from the tsunami of flavours that hit me like a freight train, I have either gotten accustomed to the strength or the cigar has settled down and felt sorry for me. *LOL

Very strong, this cigar is. *Caused me to start sweating off the get go. *Rich, bold flavours of black coffee, earthy notes and spice dominate. *A hint of sweetness keeps toying with me however, make no mistake about it. *This is Balls on strong!!!

Really slowing down my draws from this. *Probably every 2 minutes. *Take a puff, lean back and let the flavours take over, wipe the sweat off my brow and repeat. *LOL

The black coffee and earthy tones have died down a bit, giving way to candied fruit and roasted nuts

The draw has tightened up a touch. *Smoke production still going strong though. *

Getting some Oolong tea, spice and jasmine notes notes now. *Weird stuff indeed. *The black coffee/earthy combination comes back to remind me what power is.

The cigar is getting a little harsh but tolerable. *Burn line continues to be razor sharp. *I keep telling myself the sweat is from the humidity, not the cigar. *LOL
Rating - 100%
14   0   0
Mar 22, 2009

Final Third
This cigar is showing no reprieve at all, in the flavour and strength category. *All power, all the time. *Hard to enjoy this actually. *

Sloow and steady draws are helping win the race to the finish. *Down to once every 2-3 minutes a draw and a wash down with water. *Wish I had some liquor instead. *LOL.

Black coffee, oolong tea, spice and earthy tones dominate the back third. *The water is helping clean the palate and keep me from constantly spitting. *Thank goodness the end is near and my palate feels punch drunk. *I've been Robaina'ed. *LOL

A new flavour comes into join the final ass kicking of my palatee. *Charcoal. *Never had that in a cigar before. *

Final Impressions: *This cigar is not for me. *This was a harbringer of palate demolishing power and strength. *Too strong to actually enjoy. *In fact, I think it is the strongest cigar I've smoked this year. *Very impressive considering the age. *One to admire from afar I think.

Now, where is that Big Mac combo.....


BoM July '12
Rating - 100%
343   0   0
Sep 5, 2011
top of kentucky
"Very strong, this cigar is". you know you are in trouble when you accidentally roll into yoda mode! o)

as always, great revue, man, and thanks!


Some say I'm a dreamer...
Rating - 100%
3   0   0
Apr 17, 2012
Wow, I can't believe it was soo strong after soo long! Definitely sounds interesting although it's probably not my cup of tea either. Thanks for the review!


Rating - 100%
126   0   0
Mar 20, 2005
Grit City
Nice review and pic's

The VR Classico is my favorite cigar in their line up. Never had one as strong as this one you reviewed, so I'm kinda suprised to hear this.

It's to bad that the Classicos and the Familiars have been discontinued. Like Knickerbocker, I plan to get some more before they become imposible to find.
Rating - 95.7%
24   1   0
Jan 18, 2012
Long Island
I just had an 2009 the other night. I was getting chocolate notes with spice amping up in the 2nd third. It wasn't too overpowering, but I did need water.


BoM Sept '12 & Aug '13
Rating - 100%
185   0   0
Aug 7, 2009
The VR Classico is my favorite cigar in their line up. Never had one as strong as this one you reviewed, so I'm kinda suprised to hear this.

I'm kinda glad you don't like them Art knowing how you spend money on cigars... you saved some more for me! :)