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A little bragging...


April '05 BoM
Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
I went to AC this past weekend to celebrate my Dad's 60th Birthday with him. Going to AC is a tradition for him and a buddy of his. They go twice a year, once on each other's birthdays. My Dad's one of those folks who pretty much has everything he wants and if he find he wants something, he buys it. Makes it difficult to buy presents for him so for this milestone I decided that, if he'd have me, my present would be to go to AC with him. We had a great time and I really think he was very happy with this being his present.

At any rate, while I was there I played in three Texas Hold 'em Tournaments. Learned a valuable lesson (that I really already knew, but damn) on the first Tourney. $100+20 buy-in. Went out within the first hour. I peeked at my cards keeping them heavily covered with both hands (tight quarters on the tables in the beginning of the tournaments) and (thought) I saw K,3 of spades in the small blind and called the big blind to see the flop (no raises). THe flop was spade, spade, spade giving me what I thought was the next to nut flush. Long story short, I bet and bet and bet and the BB just kept calling. There were two Jacks on the table and when I bet huge on the river after betting all the way he sighed, muttered *he's got the flush*, sighed and called.

I said, yep, I got the flush and turned over...

wait for it...

K Spades, 3 Hearts. OOPS! I learned from that to make sure I let enough light get to the dang cards to be sure of the suits. Left myself crippled and went out shortly after trying to double through to get back in the game.

No idea how many people were in that tourney as I didn't make it far enough in to bother finding out, lol.

OK, so you must be wondering where the bragging comes in, right? Well, after that I went to a midnight $50+15 Speed Tourney (12 minute freaking blinds) that had around 55 people. Hit the final table with an average stack and by the time we had 7 people left (top 9 places paid) I was in third place in chips. This was about 3:30 am and everyone agreed to split for about $325/person after tips. Not a bad return, and everyone but the person who would have finished first made out as second place and below were all less than $325.

Followed that up with a similiar showing later that day at a $60+15 tourney with 75+ people in it. We split at the final table with all 9 players for around $475/ person (with an extra $162 going to the chip leader for having such a large stack). Again, a good deal for everyone but the person finishing first and maybe second. As there was another big tourney starting 45 minutes later, most everyone wanted to have some time to rest up before going right back at it anyway.

Would have liked to have played in that next tourney ($150+ Buy, in with 15K in starting chips-normal starting chips is 10K) but I had been up for over 36 hours with maybe 2 hours sleep and it was time for dinner with Dad.

All in all, a profitable weekend. :thumbsup:


2005 BoY
Dec 12, 2004
Springfield, VA

Sounds like it would be very easy to become lost/addicted in the live tourney world in a casino...36 hours with little-to- no sleep is pretty nuts. :rofl:


April '05 BoM
Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
Damn straight Kevin. One way or another. Either a home game or one of the local card rooms. As we get closer I'll post schedules and buy-ins for the local tourneys.


June '05 BoM
Dec 12, 2004
Damn straight Kevin. One way or another. Either a home game or one of the local card rooms. As we get closer I'll post schedules and buy-ins for the local tourneys.
lets do a local tourney get some cash involved..
Jan 9, 2006
Nice going Jason, glad you and your father had a great time.

(BTW I know who I am keeping my eyes on in OCT for the Tampa HERF). :bigeyes: