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Cigar Oasis

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May 20, 2021
I recently setup a wineador and have been using boveda packs for humidification. I was thinking there had to be a better way to do this so I don't have several boveda packs in there. Would one of the smaller Cigar Oasis devices be a good fit for something like this? Are they as good as advertised?
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Jan 30, 2017
From what I have read cigar oasis is a great tool for larger humidor cabinets. They seem to be problematic when used in small units. What's the problem with the Bovedas? I have 7 or 8 at a time in my New Aire and just swap them out several at a time with packs that have been recharged. You can place the packs directly on your cigars but I normally fit them in between shelves or lay them on thin cedar spill sheets


The Grey Rooster
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Feb 4, 2015
Spring City, PA
I recently setup a wineador and have been using boveda packs for humidification. I was thinking there had to be a better way to do this so I don't have several boveda packs in there. Would one of the smaller Cigar Oasis devices be a good fit for something like this? Are they as good as advertised?
No love for Boveda packs?
I keep six 69% Boveda’s in my cooler and have had zero issues.
In my wooden humidor I use for cc’s, I keep four 65% Boveda’s and they work great.
Honestly, for the price and lack of maintenance required Boveda packs are hard to beat.
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May 20, 2021
I really don't have anything against the Boveda packs. I would just prefer to not have several of them floating around inside.
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Jul 10, 2021
And their ability to recharge them, I purchased a box about a year ago and rotate them once they dry in a Tupperware with distilled water on standby. Take them out. Pat dry and let them sit out overnight to dry the outer wrapper and bam, back to new for several months of use......rinse repeat.
Boveda made the maintenance game incredibly easy, I’m almost mad I waited so long before using them.


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Jan 7, 2012
east texas
I have a 150qt cooler standing with shelves. I used the kl years ago. I happened upon a shop closing and got the large oasis they had in the display. About once a year I'll run it to "rehydrate" the kl.

The gauge is off so I run it at like 59% and over a 24hr cycling period. It'll bump me from the mid/low 60s to the mid/high range.

I'll pull it out put it up and not have to do that again till my hydros drop a couple points over the next 8-16months.

I've had great luck with my older sticks keeping flavor and burning right so I'm not trying to change what I do. Also I didn't use exact numbers because I don't trust any of my three hydrometers. I have a crappy analog (tuned in via long term salt test), a new flat zikar, and an old round one. They all say different things between 59-70% in the same spot. You can use em to watch for good/bad trends.