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Drew Estates Java Maduro Robusto - First Review

Rating - 100%
1   0   0
Nov 10, 2015
Loveland, OH
Figured since I just joined I better contribute by reviewing what I had last night so here goes.

I have been wanting to try the Java ever since taking up cigars 1.5 years ago given its coffee accents (don't call it an infusion). Everything about this cigar said that I should like it.

For the ADHD in the group, here is the short review: Went out to the porch for a cigar and the Java wasn't cigary enough for me. Sweetened tip (but not slathered), good construction, smooth as silk, not very dynamic, missing that cigaryness (yeah I said it). If I am standing at the shelf next time I will grab the Isla del Sol instead (save for the ridiculous fake sugar cap on it).

Detailed review:

Got the kids down for bed early and got out to the back deck with this gorgeous stick in high anticipation of the mocha/tobacco marriage I was about to experience. Chose a glass of water to accompany it as to not interfere with the experience. Cut the cap (kind of mushed a little when I did it due I think to the sweetener added to the cap). Toasted and lit her up.

Forgot to mention. This was bought at a local B&M and sat in my 65% tupperdore for 2 weeks to acclimate.

First few minutes with this stick and I am remembering the Isla Del sol (which was my first sweetened tip) and I break out in a fit of trying to lick and spit off all the aftertaste. Now, the Java does come with a more natural sweetened taste than the Isla del Sol, however, it really distracts me from the smoke at hand. It didn't stick around for long and so I was able to get into the experience fairly quickly.

I won't break this down in thirds as there are few cigars that I have had that change significantly (those that do are memorable) and this was a very one dimensional smoke for me. Large billows of smoke came from this stick although that might have been more a component of atmosphere (damp and cool) than anything. As I worked through the ~1hr time spent with the Java I was left underwhelmed. Muted is the best word I can think of to describe it. Nothing offensive coming through by any means and it was a pleasurable experience, but also nothing that makes me want to come back for more. Didn't really get the coffee/chocolate/tobacco goodness of the descriptions (yeah, I know better). If anything, it was a faint background of any flavor. The big knock was the lack of.....of.....cigaryness (ok now I have coined the term).

I can see why I have wanted to try this stick ever since I started smoking cigars because it would have been a great stick when I started smoking cigars. It almost holds your hand through the experience and pats your back. The sweetened tip is probably best for distracting the smoker through the first 5-6 puffs that can usually be harsh in any stick.

Overall, I can't knock this cigar for what it is as I think it is doing what it sets out to do very well. That is, appeal to a fringe smoker who isn't into the true flavor profile of cigars. Or to a morning smoker looking to ease into the day.

As for me, I felt like the Isla del Sol was a better stick for a coffee hinted cigar although absolutely hated its fake sugar overly saturated sweetened tip. Once through the tip, the Isla del Sol gave a much more dynamic flavor profile that provided the coffee and all the good tobacco elements that I look for.

None of this should distract anyone from trying the Java who might of had it on their list. Everyone's tastes are different. Hopefully reading this will help level the expectation going in.
