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Is Jim Harbaugh a Prick?

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Jan 30, 2017
We all understand coaches that win National Championships should be paid but this guy seems to be a real prick when it comes to negotiating with Michigan

Dude missed almost half the season because of NCAA sanctions, wants a job in the NFL and apparantly doesn't like having a boss or playing by the rules. I'd love to see him go to Dallas and deal with Jerry or to Atlanta and have to answer to Arthur Blank.
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Mar 8, 2022
From working around a few college coaches indirectly, I can't name one that didn't seem like an ass. Even the great Saint Krzyzewski (blessed be his name) was a prickly guy as he aged.

I could name a few others that I met during events or job related functions that would be complimented by the term prickly. So, is Harbaugh a prick? I would be surprised if he wasn't.


The battle's fought, the deed is done
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Jun 26, 2019
Deep in the woods, Middle Georgia
The Military academies stress respect and character and you don't see them playing on New Years day
Cuz they don't get talent. They never have.
Maybe if they cheat or molest kids on an island they'll finally be recognized? Only the worst in traits will get you far nowadays.