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Newly Converted Humidor


BoM Nov '07 & Jan '09
Rating - 93.8%
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Apr 9, 2007
Green Bay, WI
A guy I work with bought a cabinet at Good Will for $15 and asked me if I could turn it into a humidor for him. He'd been using it as one, but it leaked more than an old pair of Depends. It had several large gaps in the door sides, bottom and top and even in the carcass of the case. He'd cut out some wood panels on the angled sides and installed glass using a TON of silicone, so it was just a pain in the buttocks to clean that up, he also had silicone holding in the back wall.

So, I dismantled the cabinet, cleaned up the silicone as best I could, lined it with Spanish Cedar plywood, installed some backing strips with foam tape to help seal it, made an adjustable shelf that he wanted (I need to cut ventilation slots in in tomorrow) and put some cheesy trim on the bottom. It seems to seal well and I have his Cigar Oasis running now to help get it seasoned. I told him I'd work on it in a couple weeks, I got it last night and just decided to play with it this evening, four hours later...it was done. I didn't do any refinishing, just got it functional.

It think the dude owes me a cigar for all this work!

There's a few pics of the process I took while working on it in this Photobucket
Rating - 100%
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Sep 26, 2007
New Jersey
"He'd been using it as one, but it leaked more than an old pair of Depends."
That was funny!
Nice work, that has a lot of room in it.