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"Time Cloak" advancement...

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Jun 24, 2009
Joplin MO
Pentagon-backed 'time cloak' stops the clock

AFPJanuary 4, 2012

PARIS — Pentagon-supported physicists on Wednesday said they had devised a "time cloak" that briefly makes an event undetectable.

The laboratory device manipulates the flow of light in such a way that for the merest fraction of a second an event cannot be seen, according to a paper published in the science journal Nature.

It adds to experimental work in creating next-generation camouflage — a so-called invisibility cloak in which specific colours cannot be perceived by the human eye.

"Our results represent a significant step towards obtaining a complete spatio-temporal cloaking device," says the study, headed by Moti Fridman of Cornell University in New York.

The breakthrough exploits the fact that frequencies of light move at fractionally different speeds.

The so-called temporal cloak starts with a beam of green light that is passed down a fibre-optic cable.

The beam goes through a two-way lens that splits it into two frequencies — blueish light which travels relatively fast, and reddish light, which is slower.

The tiny difference in speed is then accentuated by placing a transparent obstacle in front of the two beams.

Eventually a time gap opens up between the red and blue beams as they travel through the optical fibre.

The gap is tiny — just 50 picoseconds, or 50 millionths of a millionth of a second.

But it is just long enough to squeeze in a pulse of laser at a different frequency from the light passing through the system.

The red and blue light are then given the reverse treatment.

They go through another obstacle, which this time speeds up the red and slows down the blue, and come to a reverse lens that reconstitutes them as a single green light.

But the 40-picosecond burst of laser is not part of the flow of photons, and thus cannot be detected.

In a commentary, optical engineers Robert Boyd and Zhimin Shi of New York's University of Rochester, likened the experiment to a level crossing on a busy road.

When a train comes, the cars are stopped, and this causes a gap in the traffic.

When the train has passed, the stopped cars speed up until they catch up with the traffic in front of them. To the observer, the flow seems quite normal, and there is no evidence that a train has crossed the intersection.

After proving that the "cloak" is possible, the next step for the researchers is to expand the time gap by orders of magnitude, firstly to microseconds and then to milliseconds, said Boyd and Shi.

The time cloak has a potential use in boosting security in fibre-optic communications because it breaks up optical signals, lets them travel at different speeds and then reassembles them, which makes data hard to intercept.

Last year, scientists reported a step forward in so-called metamaterials which act as a cloaking of space, as opposed to time.

Metamaterials are novel compounds whose surface that interacts with light at specific frequencies thanks to a tiny, nano-level structure. As a result, light flows around the object — rather like water that bends around a rock in a stream — as opposed to being absorbed by it.

Fridman's work was part-supported by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, or DARPA, a Pentagon unit which develops futuristic technology that can have a military use. Its achievements include DARPANet, a predecessor of the Internet.

© Copyright (c) AFP

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Dec 27, 2011
Marion, Ohio
Holy sh*! Thats incredible... the modern scientific breakthroughs are becoming more & more at a ridiculous scale. We have entered the era where science is officially beginning to make things long thought to be scientifically & physically (I mean quite literally defying the laws of physics - at least as we know them) impossible or at the very least improbable, now seem conceivably attainable. It really is just further evidence of how minute our knowledge has been in the past, while we were all content to be under the impression that it was complete. I suppose the intelligentsia who once thought the earth to be flat & the sun to revolve around it felt much the same way.
I also have recently heard about a new virus developed in a European study which, believe it or not, if released, actually has the potential to conceivably make feasible a true "zombie" epidemic, so-to-speak. One of the researchers who was involved in the study asserted that it was the scariest thing he has ever seen... Did I mention this particular scientist worked on Anthrax for 10+ yrs?! I'll try 2 find the link 4 u.
Also, post-humanistic geneticists have figured out how to "turn on" dormant particles of DNA that would allow humans the ability to do things such as grow feathers. I believe the final goal of the study is something along the lines of regeneration, a sixth sense, & at a more drastic level, the ability to fly. However, the progress DOES have scary Biblical implications (of coarse, depending on what your theology & escatology is). I won't get into detail but do some research on Nephilim theories if you're interested.
I love hearing about this sci-fi sh* come to fruition... although I too, find it somewhat disconcerting.
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Apr 27, 2011
What a a "time cloak" that briefly makes an event undetectable, that's really amazing. This year makes me really exciting so far, except from all the end of the world predictions and this cloak time I'm also curious about this doomsday issue. I've read something new and interesting it's about doomsday, the atomic experts who manage the Doomsday Clock moved its hands one minute closer to midnight Tuesday. The symbolic clock measures our recognized time before global destruction. Although it had gained a minute in 2010, that time was dropped today over issues of nuclear weapons, nuclear power and climate change. Source for this article: Doomsday Clock clicks one minute closer to 12. The last time the Doomsday Clock minute hand moved was in January 2010, when the Clock's minute hand was pushed back one minute from five to six minutes before midnight.