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torch lighter on international flights

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Feb 28, 2011
It's not going to happen. Even though the most current TSA regs says if they're empty you can carry them on.

I bought a new Xikar in VA while traveling. Never filled it, left it in it's box and such. Going through security got stopped and they checked it. Two TSA agents argued w/ two others that I could carry it on. They showed the new regulations and at the end of the day they walked me out so I could check my baggage as I could throw it away or check my bag.

All the while I had 8-10 regular lighters in my carry on and they had no concern for them.

So, don't bother unless you check your bag.


BoM april 09
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Nov 11, 2008
Wouldn't you like to know?
I pack my travel humi with Butane to go down with, usually 2 or 3 cans. I always leave them with people I know as Butane is tough to find there and may not be good quality. Most of the rules only aply to flights in and out of the US. If you get to Cuba with your lighter you will get home with it no worries. If you aren't going till March let me know as I will have left a couple of bottles in Havana at the end of feb and could always have some one drop one off for you. Or let you know which shop can fill it for you.
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