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Sobriety Thread

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Oct 21, 2016
Chi-kah-go (not Chi-caw-go)
Good to see some life in this thread! Just a reminder, the Sober Stogies Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Sunday at 12 Noon Eastern Time. The group has "moved," however. We no longer meet on Google Hangouts, having switched to the more reliable Zoom platform. You can now look up the group via the online AA intergroup https://aa-intergroup.org/directory_audio-video.php

or join directly via this link: https://zoom.us/j/440227720

Or email soberstogies@gmail.com

It's a really great meeting, and I bet it would only get better if you join!

Also just realized the group just turned a year old a couple days ago! How sweet is that!
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