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Fiscal Responsibility


Loyal to a fault...
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May 21, 2005
This has been on my mind for quite some time and only write this with the most heartfelt intentions.

I have noticed something that is a little disturbing to me but really none of my business but as a friend to many, I thought it best to express my views. (especially with newer/younger BOTLs)

The problem?

I've noticed many BOTLs who are over extended on their credit in the name of acquiring more cigars. I've heard some disturbing balances being maintained on their credit cards due to large number of purchases of cigars.

I believe that with the amount of discussions in the forums, pictures of collections being shown, crazy sales by retailers, that it is easy to get caught up in the "keeping with the Jones'" mentality but I would be remiss if I didn't express my concern.

PLEASE keep in mind that cigars are a hobby and should be BUDGETED for and is SOLELY based on disposable income. You SHOULD NOT be "investing" in cigars - they are a consumable that are susceptible to damage (fire, water, improper storage, beetles, theft, etc...).

People talk about a "cigar budget" and we all laugh when we blow that budget. But like any other aspect of your life, you REALLY should have a "cigar budget" and stick that budget the same as you would for emergency savings (6+ months), vacation savings, retirement, etc...

The senseless act of carrying credit card debt just to amass a cigar collect is not fiscally responsible and you are doing yourself a disservice in the long run.

The one thing that I have learned over the nearly 2 decades of being into cigars is that it's is not about the cigars. The cigars are just a compliment to the commaradarie. Yeah, the cigars are good but meeting new people and developing longer term friendships has been the best part of the hobby to me. There are many people that I now consider friends (some stay at my home) and I wouldn't have met them otherwise.

My point?

In the great scheme of the cigar community, cigar are meaningless and should not be coveted to the point where we throw away common sense and fiscal responsibility.

So please, take a step back and look at YOUR financial plan (if you don't have one, then make one!). It is your responsibility to take care of your financial security.

Happy smoking my friends.




BoM - July '05 & Dec. '10
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Dec 13, 2004
Jackson, MS
I hear ya Mark. I've thought about this myself when I see everything you're talking about. Me, I've cut back substantially over the past year ever since I saw where the economy might be heading. And I'm VERY glad I did so, considering how bleak the economy looks today.


BoM Decembre '08
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Aug 12, 2008
Mexico City
Incredible post, Mark; especially for people like me who still are in college, for not only are we on a low budget, but the blasted slope lures us downhill. Makes one want to be a cigar reviewer to get them for free.


Nov '08 BoM
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Jan 18, 2008
very good post Mark. I was one who caught myself on the verge of overspending just so i could acquire the next greatest cigar(s) to hit the market. It was a never ending game, with all the new stuff being released.

But thank God i realised i was getting carried away.

It is indeed a slippery slope, especially for someone who tend to be compulsive, like myself.
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
Mark is right. It is easy to get caught up luckily I think I have pretty good willpower and I don't buy when I can't. Before I came home back to the states I had a lot of disposable income and was building up savings at the same time.

I like the saying "I'd rather times with cigars and no money instead of money and no cigars" but I only like it as a joke. Cigars aren't worth paying interest for guys. I look at them as my substandard equivalent to the woman's jewelry. No matter how great the cigar or jewelry is you can't live in it!


BoM Feb 2010
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Jul 1, 2008
Nazareth, PA
Point well said - and taken.

Somehow it sounds better coming from you than the wife... Why is that?

The wife intercepted a box from Holts last night (Damn UPS delivering at 6pm)...

She's not happy with me - but these Verocu #9's are the BEST of the bunch. She made me give our son the Tatuaje winter-hat (He asked if he could have it.)

I paid for it. In more ways than one...

Oh, and NO, I don't put any cigars on credit. (Even if I spend too much on em!)


Never been BoM
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Jan 6, 2008
Kissimmee, FL
I did the worst mistake ever...I put my Credit card as my form of payment @CB...Since I didnt see the "real time" money being spent from my checking...That month I went a little crazy...when I got my bill, I was very displeased, but I did it to myself....I agree 100%. I think there is enough brothers on this board to help get you that HTF of that super premium or that CC you always wanted to smoke without you having to purchase an entire box of them!


Nov '08 BoM
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Jan 18, 2008
Thanks Mark, the wife banned me from the devil site too!
That's funny!

Point well said - and taken.

Somehow it sounds better coming from you than the wife... Why is that?

The wife intercepted a box from Holts last night (Damn UPS delivering at 6pm)...

She's not happy with me - but these Verocu #9's are the BEST of the bunch. She made me give our son the Tatuaje winter-hat (He asked if he could have it.)

I paid for it. In more ways than one...

Oh, and NO, I don't put any cigars on credit. (Even if I spend too much on em!)

Verocu #9???? Haven't heard of those. Maybe i need to buy a box :help:

Angry Bill

2x BoM, BoY '08
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Nov 6, 2007
San Fernando Valley, CA
Well said Mark. I don't use credit to buy anything other that a house or a car. Or if I do, I pay it off as soon as I get the bill. I only get in trouble because I work overtime to have more money for cigars or other hobbies.. hehe.


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
Great post and thanks for the courage to say those things even amongst us cigar-buying addicts :)

I'm in a good place now, but a couple months ago I did see myself starting down this slippery slope mighty fast. I was just getting back into cigars...and had some unexpected disposable income...bad combo!

For me, this hobby hits the trifecta of my personality quirks. I love getting great deals on things that I really want...for me, deal hunting like that is a hobby of it's own. I'll wait months to purchase what I really want in order to get the best deal ever. Also, I'm a collector by personality. I love "playing" with my cigars--organizing, arranging, seeing how much I can fit into one of my tupperdors :) And then, of course, there are the cigars themselves--another growing hobby.

So yea, the potential for disaster is very real. It's not totally under control, but it's getting there.

Confession time: About 3 weeks ago I told myself that I was not going to buy another cigar until Spring. Well, then I found a great deal on a box of small winter-friendly sticks at CI, which I split with someone, so there's $30. And now JR is going to have a full box of CAO Cameroons for $50 on Friday. It's not that I don't have the money for those, it's just that I've already spent so much on my "collection" this year. I'm sure there will be a few more irresistible deals before Christmas as well, so I'm going to have to be extra vigilant. Oh, and several friends will be getting cigars for Christmas this year, lol.

So yea, I'm doing pretty well, but the "insanely good deal" portion of me is having the most difficult time with the recovery process :)
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Apr 24, 2007
Phoenix Arizona
Well put, Mark. Some of you probably notice that I'm not involved in bombing, trading, etc. And I don't smoke as often as I'd like (hidden health benefit) or the high-end cigars I'd like to try. And there is a reason. Because it's money I don't have or need for less excitiing purposes like college and retirement savings. As a result, I probably spend less on cigars for the month than some of the guys here spend every day.

Not meant as a rant, just know that you have company if you can't spend the money you'd like to.
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Jan 11, 2008
Orange County, CA
Great point Mark. I think we are all guilty to an extent, I went through it 10 years ago when I found out about European cigar retailers. If you are looking for a plan a great book is "The Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey.