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Feb 17, 2023
Been enjoying premium cigars occasionally since the early 1990's, but very regularly in the last decade or so. Got my first real humidor, a locally made mahogany 200-count in the mid 1990's and it is still in use along with many others these days because I seem to collect and age more than I smoke, LOL. I still have a few cigars that were rolled at my wedding dinner at Graycliff in the Bahamas in 1997 that I smoke on wedding anniversaries.
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Feb 17, 2023
Boy is that the truth! Wife and I were staying on Paradise Island 5 or 6 years ago and decided to go to Graycliff one afternoon to tour the place and relive some memories 20 years later. The place is very cool, but the cigars were terrible! Very disappointed in the tase of several cigars we bought. I won't be buying any more. We used to buy cubans over there in the 1990's as well, but in recent years most everything I have found in the Bahamas is fake and simply not worth the effort.