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Fatherly advice


Il n'y a pas de fumée san
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Aug 18, 2012
Felling like I'm getting edged out! I'm 30 and have my first baby due in a couple months. Life has been getting busy and is showing no sign of slowing down. Maybe I'm just freaking out a little. For this I apologize, first I lost my place to smoke (heated garage) then my office. I spent all weekend putting up wainscoting and trim for the baby's room and now I'm losing my closet and all my stuff is being moved. I struggle weather or not I should post this, I don't want it to sound like I'm complaining...I have a little me on the way and that's a blessing. Maybe a couple of others insights and opinions, or experienced fathers......anyone...Bueller........Bueller.........


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
Not sure if its a he or she but regardless once you fall in love with him/her you're going to look at this post and laugh. Coming from a 33 yo M who just had his first son 7 months ago. I just smoked my first cigar in my custom built cigar lounge in months. It's all a wash brother when they start to develop their own personality! It really is worth losing a few spaces. (You can still smoke outside when mom and baby are in bed)
And congrats!


AKA Dookie
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Sep 28, 2009
Hattiesburg, MS
Not sure if its a he or she but regardless once you fall in love with him/her you're going to look at this post and laugh. Coming from a 33 yo M who just had his first son 7 months ago. I just smoked my first cigar in my custom built cigar lounge in months. It's all a wash brother when they start to develop their own personality! It really is worth losing a few spaces. (You can still smoke outside when mom and baby are in bed)
And congrats!
What Justin said. They become the center of your world and you will do anything to make them happy. I have 14 y/o twins and I still center my life around them. Congrats and enjoy the new chapter brother.
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Aug 21, 2013
Firstly a very big congratulations brother!! It's completely normal to be freaky out at this point. We all did! For mothers it becomes real as soon as their preg, but for alot of fathers (very true in my case) it doesn't become real until you hold them for the first time. Your life will become extremely busy, but you will love it more and more. Once nobody can prepare you for what is about to happen, it's the most amazing thing that could ever happen! The feel you get when you see your baby for the first time is something that is impossible to describ. I know when my wife and I had our son, everyone had advice. Tell you how you should and shouldn't do every little thing. Just take one thing on board, enjoy and savour every moment. They grow so so so fast. Just hold on and cherish it. Keep us posted brother!!


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
No need to panic Dave....

You're taking the first step of a new chapter in your life and sometimes it's a little scary not knowing what to expect. From personal experience I can tell you that Fatherhood is probably the best thing that ever happened to me. Once your little one comes along you will be amazed at how easy it will become second nature for you to be a Dad. My "kids" are grown up now and although I made many sacrifices on their behalf over the years I can honestly say that it was well worth it. Even though you may have to put your own needs aside from time to time, at the end of the day I think you will find that it is a pretty satisfying experience.

Please feel free to let me know if you need any advice or just need to get together and chill out for a smoke sometime. As someone who has "been there, done that" I may be able to help.



Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
Hah. I know the feeling. I'm having twins due in the next few weeks, #''s 4 & 5 for us. My former office is a music room. My former entertainment room is the playroom. My former garage is now the art room.

Fatherhood is about sacrifice. All about sacrifice. To be a good father you'll need to sacrifice not only your room, but your time, your money, and even some of your cigar time. And your hair. Ok maybe that last one is just me. But sacrifice is what you signed on for when you conceived this child, so man up and sacrifice. :)

You'll love being a father. It's the greatest blessing a man could ask for. Strap in and hang on. Because its a crazy ride. But you won't want to trade it for the world.

In the end, right now you're asking the wrong question. Don't ask what you're losing, ask what you can give so that this little one will always be provided for in every way. And the biggest piece of advice I can give is never burden the child with how much you've sacrificed. They should learn gratitude, but never ever guilt.

Good luck man!
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May 18, 2013
New Orleans, Afghanistan - Georgia
Out of my daughter's 4 years of her life, I have been there for maybe 2 of them. I would give up anything just to be with her right now...space, money, cigars in general...wouldn't blink an eye. You will see the power of children very soon brother, freak not.


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
Yeah man, freaking out is natural but there is really no need. Babies can flip your world upside down, but that is all part of the fun.

Everyone before me here already hit the main points, but just know that all of us daddies in here are all just a pm, email, or phone call away.

Make sure you and the wife are getting plenty of rest, and make sure you two are going out to movies and dinners and stuff... Pack in all the fun things you like to do as a duo, because everything gets more challenging as a trio.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
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Aug 12, 2012
Like everyone else has already said, this happened to all us parents. But I wouldn't trade it for any amount of space, cigars or money. When it comes to your smoking, find a few smaller quicker smokes that you really enjoy. You may not have 1.5 to 2 hours to yourself for sometime once the little one is born. And if you do have that extra time, you will probably be tired or have other chores to do.
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Jul 10, 2013
Central New Jersey
I hear ya brother. I just had my second 6 days ago and your role as the man if the house is crucial to maintaining balance and ensure mom and baby are good. No one can explain the feeling of love you feel from the baby but its infinitely rewarding. You will see that all the efforts you put in are given back 10 fold so although it appears you are sacrifcing now it will bring much happiness. In regards to smoking once things calm down maybe a local lounge or outside will suffice for now. It's important to take a break when you need it and same goes for mom. Fatherhood has been my greatest accomplishment.


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
Kids make me absolutely insane...

but... that said.. I wouldnt trade them for anything in the world....

its well worth loosing space (I "lost" an office" for almost 10 years... and just got one back about 18 months ago)...

I spent the better part of about 6 years on the road 50%+... and missed a lot of my kids younger years.. its one of my very few regrets in life..

anything you give up... they will give you back in other ways 1000 fold...

youre in for a roller coaster ride in time and money availability and emotions for the next few years.... but like any roller coaster... you walk away with a smile on your face and having had a lot of fun.. dispite the ups and downs along the way...

dont sweat the small stuff fuente... this is going to be a great experience... if it means a little less space.. or a little less time... its worth it...
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Apr 11, 2012
My second is 2 weeks old -- and I've gotta say even though it's my second, I was freaking out in much the same way before he was born. How quickly I got reminded that it's all worth it, and it's already normal again. Haven't had a chance to smoke the celebratory cigar yet, but I will eventually. Priorities have a way of shifting themselves around for you with kiddos. Like Sean said above, make sure to keep on doing the things you normally do with your wife. I know we put life on hold a little too much with our first one. And again, if you need to talk, just a PM, email or call away.


Il n'y a pas de fumée san
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Aug 18, 2012
Thank you all for your insight and advice. I'm definitely scarred but insanely happy and very proud of this wonderful miracle. (We opted to not find out the gender)..I will sacrifice just about anything for this little one and we haven't even met. I think I was just freakin out a little....I apologize. Thanks again for the advice ill keep you posted



Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
I think I was just freakin out a little....I apologize.
Won't be the last time that happens, trust me! If only you could have been here in my office when my wife showed up and told me we were having twins...

Just make sure when it does, talk about it with some real men, some grown-up, responsible family men. Don't go to your buddies who will support you no matter what, go to some wise, older guys who have been there and can give you real, good advice. Don't go to the guy who says "Man, you shouldn't have to...", go to the guy who will tell you "Here's how you ought to..." Go to guys who did it well, who's sons and daughters turned out really well.

And don't let it show in front of your kids. They'll need stability and reassurance in this life, they need to know you're their rock!


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Feb 22, 2005
Good advice and sentiments here. Ours are 20 and 23 and have grown up to be great young adults. They will test you, surprise you, anger you, make you happy and everything in between. They'll scare you, make you proud, push your patience to the limit and give you joy like you've never had before. Yes, you need to be their rock but they also need to see that you're fallible. You need to instill good values and at the same time see that you're not perfect as they never will be either. They need to see you laugh and cry. They need to see you and your wife interact, support and love each other and above all, they need to KNOW you love them. Every day. My parents were not good examples but I learned a lot of good things from each of them along with other family members. I also swore not to make the same mistakes they did raising me. Yeah, right. My dad's poor attitude and mistakes came out of me now and then and you have to make sure you check those bad influences (if you had any) quickly. You're not their friend, you're their parent - never forget that. Be careful to discipline when necessary but don't break their spirit. You can be friends but the bottom line is, you're in charge and they need and desire that from you. They need to be encouraged to be independent and make their own choices, as well as be responsible for those choices, good or bad. Spend time with them - lots of it - make it your priority because every time you're not there, they will remember it. Trust me on that one, my dad was never at my ball games, school plays, any of that and it took years before I forgave him for that.

Most of all, congrats! Your life as you know it will be very different once that child is born, but it's worth every single second. :)


Il n'y a pas de fumée san
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Aug 18, 2012
Good advice and sentiments here. Ours are 20 and 23 and have grown up to be great young adults. They will test you, surprise you, anger you, make you happy and everything in between. They'll scare you, make you proud, push your patience to the limit and give you joy like you've never had before. Yes, you need to be their rock but they also need to see that you're fallible. You need to instill good values and at the same time see that you're not perfect as they never will be either. They need to see you laugh and cry. They need to see you and your wife interact, support and love each other and above all, they need to KNOW you love them. Every day. My parents were not good examples but I learned a lot of good things from each of them along with other family members. I also swore not to make the same mistakes they did raising me. Yeah, right. My dad's poor attitude and mistakes came out of me now and then and you have to make sure you check those bad influences (if you had any) quickly. You're not their friend, you're their parent - never forget that. Be careful to discipline when necessary but don't break their spirit. You can be friends but the bottom line is, you're in charge and they need and desire that from you. They need to be encouraged to be independent and make their own choices, as well as be responsible for those choices, good or bad. Spend time with them - lots of it - make it your priority because every time you're not there, they will remember it. Trust me on that one, my dad was never at my ball games, school plays, any of that and it took years before I forgave him for that.

Most of all, congrats! Your life as you know it will be very different once that child is born, but it's worth every single second. :)

Love this!!!!! Thanks for the perspective it will be used.


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
Just wait until this kid breaks a bone, or needs stitches... my 4.5 year old has done both now. I was flipping out when I got the call last week: "Sean, your boy cut himself pretty bad here at school. You need to come take him to get this stitched because we can't seem to stop the bleeding..." Holy f**K, I have never driven a van that fast in my life (and I used to always drive the tour vans when I was on the road with my bands).

Yeah, you are in for a loooooong hall...
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Dec 25, 2012
San Jose, CA
Just wait until this kid breaks a bone, or needs stitches... my 4.5 year old has done both now. I was flipping out when I got the call last week: "Sean, your boy cut himself pretty bad here at school. You need to come take him to get this stitched because we can't seem to stop the bleeding..." Holy f**K, I have never driven a van that fast in my life (and I used to always drive the tour vans when I was on the road with my bands).

Yeah, you are in for a loooooong hall...
Or runs through a non tempered plate glass door on Christmas! Gotta love kids!