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dang it! I have to shave...


Smoke it if ya got it!
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Feb 2, 2015
St. Louis MO
Well I'm 2 weeks into my epic beard! It's growing amazingly fast and nice and thick! It's been about five years since I've been able to grow one due to work... I got a phone call today and I have an interview comming up with a company I've been trying really hard to get on with for 3 months! I'm the only person interviewing so if all goes well the jobs mine! Should do a lot for my family. I will have steady pay and get home at a decent hour every day. I'm really grateful for this opportunity! Wish me luck guys And any interview tips are more than welcome to post it's been a while! I have a feeling it won't be the cookie cutter corporate type but ya never know!
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Feb 26, 2015
Houston, TX
Congratulations and good luck. Would research the company and have some questions ready to ask your interviewer (intelligent questions showing you already know plenty about the company).

Sorry to hear about you losing your beard, but be happy you can grow one. I look like an adolescent mexican (or a sketchy guy that would drive a van with blacked out back windows) when I try :(.


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
If they ask for weaknesses, don't give them some BS about your secret strength. Give them a real weakness that you're working on. Show them you know yourself, and are working on improvement, as opposed to the whole "I sometimes care too much!" crap.

And I'm with @gigem_07, be grateful you can grow a beard. I'm Korean, so I don't get a five o clock shadow, I get a five-day shadow. I shave Sunday mornings, and clean up the lines on Wednesday. That's it. And I work a customer-facing job where I have to wear a tie every day.


Smoke it if ya got it!
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Feb 2, 2015
St. Louis MO
If they ask for weaknesses, don't give them some BS about your secret strength. Give them a real weakness that you're working on. Show them you know yourself, and are working on improvement, as opposed to the whole "I sometimes care too much!" crap.

And I'm with @gigem_07, be grateful you can grow a beard. I'm Korean, so I don't get a five o clock shadow, I get a five-day shadow. I shave Sunday mornings, and clean up the lines on Wednesday. That's it. And I work a customer-facing job where I have to wear a tie every day.
that's a great call! I'll have to think on that one... another question that tore me up was naming a confrontation or disagreement and how I worked through it. I always feel like I'm throwing myself under the bus on thoes


Smoke it if ya got it!
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Feb 2, 2015
St. Louis MO
so could a weakness be that I become bored easily during down time? I come from a world of sales where you will have several hours go by with nothing going on... This job is going to be super fast paced and busy... or would that be the secret weakness? Im lost on this one. help me out guys! lol
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Feb 4, 2015
so could a weakness be that I become bored easily during down time? I come from a world of sales where you will have several hours go by with nothing going on... This job is going to be super fast paced and busy... or would that be the secret weakness? Im lost on this one. help me out guys! lol
Well I guess admitting that blue eyed blonds about 6' tall with enormous... are your real weakness isn't the best idea. lol, yeah, maybe don't tell em the truth.

FWIW - don't shave the night before lol!
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Feb 3, 2015
Black Hills of South Dakota
Everything you need to know is right here,
Seriously though, you've gotten good advice so far. I interview folks on occasion and one of the biggest things I look for is questions. When someone comes in not in the least bit interested in what we can do for them, it puts up some flags. We also have a trick called "false stars". Answer every question completely, focusing on the beginning, middle and end, and your exact role. Think of "issue, plan, resolution", again with the focus on your role. For example, if you decide a weakness is getting bored during downtime, how and when did you discover this, how and why did you decide to correct this, and what have the results been. The results can still be in progress. The answer they would not be looking for would be, "I get bored during downtime so I took on all my co-workers responsibilities and now I'm feeling great". I think that explains it.
Good luck to you!!