Once in a while you happen upon a cigar that takes you back many years and in my case fourty and you recall grandpa and the aroma of tobacco in the room when he was home for Christmas.
This one literally blew me away. Not in power or nicotine but in the creamy straight up tobacco goodness every cigar maker wishes they could make a blend to be like.
I highly recommend this cigar to any new cigar smoker because this is what a cigar is. It hits deep hidden notes I wasn't expecting. Not overly creamy but enough to smooth everything out properly while still smacking you with just the right amount of flavor.
I don't understand why anyone would want the flavor of my father in their mouth but I am admitting to being on the hunt for many more of these. A little rebranding couldn't hurt. Just don't change the blend in any way. Its lethal to anyone who's been around a while.
Thank you Holts cigars of the month club. I can't rave enough about this one.
Sent from my phablet using Tapatalk app in the shower.