
for children

Quisque commodo justo metus, dignissim
vulputate est dignissim id.


about us

Operation Esteli is an annual project sponsored by BOTL and administered by MPI

Welcome to Operation Esteli

The school year in Nicaragua runs roughly the same dates as it does in the US. The school day however is only 4 hours long in Esteli. At the mid-day point students are released. The learning environment presented in Esteli schools is inadequate for optimal learning and many school aged children in Esteli also suffer from malnutrition and often limited to only the evening meal at home. In response to these deficiencies in the Nicaragua education system, privately funded Educational Centers such as the Maria Auxiliadora Education Center (MAEC) in Esteli give children a place to go for the remainder of the day to continue with learning subjects such as reading, writing, arithmetic. The MAEC even has a small computer lab where children are taught basic computer skills. Children attending classes at MAEC are also fed a nutritious meal as part of the school lunch program which aids in the children's food security and overall health.

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Etiam interdum ullamcorper arcu sit amet semper. In felis elit, viverra vel leo nec, mollis tristique ante. Suspendisse sed cursus tellus. Etiam ut risus dui. Vestibulum nulla lectus, fringilla nec nibh id, viverra lacinia justo. Suspendisse malesuada nisl dolor, nec congue ante commodo eu.


Provides academic support and extracurricular opportunities for children and adolescents to reinforce important subjects like reading and math. The program also includes teacher training and/or technical assistance, distribution of school supplies, and parent engagement.


food aid

Seeks to improve the nutritional levels of children and increase the food security within communities through the provision of daily school lunches, school/family garden assistance, and community workshops.



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The organizations that we support


The Esteli Education Center, is managed and operated by Fabretto, a Spanish charitable foundation that was formally founded in 1990 as the Fabretto Childrens Foundation in the US, and has had a presence in Nicaragua (through its founder, Rev. Rafael Maria Fabretto) since 1948. Partnering with Fabretto brings BOTL and MPI experience and expertise in Esteli that simply cannot be matched anywhere else. We are proud to be working with them at the school. The Fabretto staff in Esteli are wonderful people, dedicated to making a difference in the lives of children.



Techo, a Latin American charitable foundation which OE 2015 will also provide assistance to, shares a common mission with BOTL and MPI in its desire to improve both education and shelter in Nicaragua. OE 2015 funds will be used to help TECHO to build emergency shelter and temporary housing for disadvantaged families with children living in Esteli. If you have not heard of TECHO before, check out their website (www.techo.org). This is a group that Drew Estates teams with regularly to provide assistance in the area as well. They are an incredible organization, that uses local college students and the families themselves as to provide the labor required to get homes built, and are an excellent example of communities coming together to help themselves overcome poverty and all of the associated problems that come with it. We’re excited at the opportunity to assist TECHO along the way.






Nullam vulputate lacus quis purus ornare, non vehicula felis mollis.

Our Sponspors


Nullam vulputate lacus quis purus ornare, non vehicula felis mollis.

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Operation Esteli, sponsored by BOTL (Brothers of the Leaf) & administered by MPI (Micro Project Initiative)