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10 Reasons you should be Rooting for the Giants in this weekends Super Bowl


BoM Nov '05; Mar '06
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Mar 24, 2005
This weekend, is the annually contested Championship of the National Football League, otherwise known as the SUPER BOWL. This has become an event that much like the primaries, has some people firmly on one side, some people on the other side, and then there are those who are sitting on the fence, or they just don't care.

I am firmly on the side of THE NEW YORK GIANTS, having grown up in NEW YORK. I have met people who root for their own teams, but i have also met people who are just HATERS. I would hope you are not in the HATER camp, but if you are, let it go.

I am asking that you consider Rooting this Sunday for the NEW YORK GIANTS versus the NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS. I am asking you to do this, not just because I want the GIANTS to win, but it is really for the good of the country, and even the New England Patriots. How......., well here are ten reasons Why you should root for the GIANTS this Sunday.

10. If Patriots lose, the Queer Eye guys will feel sorry for Bill Belchick and do a make over for him, thus keeping him from being mistaken for the Uni-bomber. Federal agents will log less overtime tracking him, and federal deficit will be reduced.

9. Last time the Patriots won, Tom Brady celebrated by impregnating Bridget Moynahan , and then promptly left her. No body wants to see Gisele Bundchen knocked up and all alone. Just what the world needs is another Unwed single mother.

8. Last time Patriots won, Teddy Bruschi got so excited he had a stroke. This is a family man with three young boys. Rooting for the Giants will enable the Bruschi boys to visit their dad at the stadium, not the cemetery.

7. The last time the Giants won the Super Bowl, was during Desert Storm, which was a war we successfully got out of. So rooting for the Giants will help our troops overseas.

6. If Patriots win, they will complete an Undefeated Season not accomplished since the 72 Dolphins. Some of those 72 Dolphins are only alive because they take joy in being able to say they were part of the only UNDEFEATED SUPER BOWL champions. If Giants win, guys like Larry Csonka, and Bob Kuchenberg, will still have reason to live. If Patriots win, some of them may DIE. Nobody needs to die because of the Super Bowl.

5. After many years of languishing as a Region of Losers, New England is starting to get pretty cocky. They are even thinking the Bruins might be able to win their first Stanley cup since Bobby Orr had good knees. Heck they even reported on the news that an endorsement from Chappaquiddick Teddy was a good thing for Obama. A cocky New England is not good for the Nation. Bring back The curse of the bambino, bill Buckner, and Whitey Bulger.

4. For all of you that have been a little brother or sister, Eli needs to be able to go to the Thanksgiving table without hearing " how come you cant be like your older brother Payton, he won a super bowl, whats wrong with you"( unfortunately it might be because he takes after his dad). A GIANT VICTORY would end this little charade.

3. If you saw just how red and distorted Tom Coughlin's face was during the Green Bay Game, you would know that the man needs to win. He is going to need some kind of plastic surgery after the super bowl, and without a job, he might not be able to pay for that.
A GIANT VICTORY would get him a contract extension and some plastic surgery.

2. When the GIANTS were winning their last Super Bowls( yes that is plural), they invented the GATORADE shower. This lead to higher sales of Gatorade, which led to more jobs being created, which lead to more money flowing into the economy, and created a housing boom. Forget Bush's economic stimulus plan, A victory by the GIANTS can lead us back to great economic times.

1. If Patriots win, Randy Moss will get drunk on celebratory Champagne, start to get drunk mad and seek out Rachelle Washington and put the beat down on her. Heck he may even try to run her over like a meter maid. Patriots lose, no champagne, no angry Moss, Rachelle is safe. GIANTS need to win for Rachelle's sake.

So as a compassionate human being, enjoy the Super Bowl, Root for the GIANTS for the good of all humanity, and don't double dip the spinach dip.



BoM June 07
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Oct 31, 2006
San Diego
top 10 reasons why the giants will lose:

1. eli manning sucks!!!:tongueout
2. eli manning sucks!!!:tongueout
3. eli manning sucks!!!:tongueout
4. eli manning sucks!!!:tongueout
5. eli manning sucks!!!:tongueout
6. eli manning sucks!!!:tongueout
7. eli manning sucks!!!:tongueout
8, eli manning sucks!!!:tongueout
9. eli manning sucks!!!:tongueout
10. eli manning still sucks!!!:tongueout


Pipe Snob
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Jan 9, 2007
Worcester, MA.
i cant root for a manning, and i hate that flunky eli's cry face, almost as bad as his douche bag brothers.

did you see the oreo commercial, WTF was that?

Broadway Joe

Formerly Havana Joe
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Jul 21, 2006
NW of Philly
I'm rooting for the Giants here!! The Pats perfect season is already over shadowed by SpyGate. If I were a betting man, I'd take the Giants since the Pats haven't been covering the spread lately!
Rating - 100%
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Jan 26, 2008
Roseville, Ca
1) New York a great place to visit, some great teams to hate!!

2) Tom Brady! Will go down as one of the greatest QB's of all time!

3) I bet money in VEGAS after the Moss trade, so i need them to win! LOL!



The One, The Only
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Jan 19, 2006
Sarasota, FL
I don't really care who wins....the Pack is out.

I just hope for an entertaining match...

I predict the Pats win by 10.