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6mm Filters & the Savinelli

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Feb 4, 2015
So I haven't had my Savinelli for very long, but I have tried the 3 different 6mm filters I could find for it, and thought for anyone going to give a 6mm filtered pipe a whirl, might find a little review thread of them usefull.

To anyone reading who has some experience with the 6mm filters - Please provide your insights good, bad, or indifferent!

First the Pipe:

Savinelli Lolita 01

I only have 4 pipes including the Lolita pictured above. By far, the Savinelli is my best smoking pipe. So much so, I intend to get another one. I am not sure if I'll get another Lolita or not, but certainly a Savinelli. Considering the price range these fall into - experimenting with them isn't going to kill most. That said, this was the pipe I tested my filters in.

Why a filtered Pipe?
As a way to kill the dreaded tongue bite.

I wanted a filtered pipe as a noob, I smoke fast and have had bite so bad I almost gave up the pipe for good. My 9mm pipe works well, but like I said, this Savinelli works better. That is to say if you are thinking 9mm because the 9mm has the charcoal filters, know that I will probably change to using balsa in my 9mm. But that's another story.

Just to be clear, many don't use filters in their Savinelli's, opting instead to use the insert provided. That's cool too. You certainly can do that. Of course you can't put a filter into a pipe not designed to use one. So there is versatility getting a pipe that can use a filter. Of course that's all personal preference and something only you can decide for yourself. I can however state that the filter indeed does... dare I say it so boldly? Yeah! The filter does stop the bite!

The 6mm Filters:

Falcon - Dr. Grabow - Savenelli

The first thing to note is that the Falcon's and Dr. Grabow's are too long for a Savinelli (Sav). You'll need to cut them to size. Not a big deal, and easy to do.

The Falcon is an almost hard pressed felt. It gets dirty quickly, and it bends and contorts with use. It seemingly was the least effective and I found could only be used once. I may be losing my mind, but I also felt this filter really took away from the tobaccos flavour. Not a fan.

The Dr. Grabow comes wrapped in a plastic sleeve and is hollow. Don't try to remove the outer plastic sleeve. It's there for a reason (to hold it together) and makes for easy insertion and removal. I like this filter. It works well and can be used twice.

There is another draw (selling point) to the Dr. Grabow. Because it's hollow, you can run a pipe cleaner through your pipe. This is a "win." But that said, it does kind of make the next smoke less filtered as the filter works by having many little pieces of paper dangling out on the inside of it which if you use a smooth cleaner, will be pushed flat against the inside of the filter. If you use a "barbed" pipe cleaner and pull out quickly, the little pieces of paper will be withdrawn back into place - I hope that made sense lol.

This filter does not take away from the tobacco flavour nearly as much as the Falcon.

The Savinelli balsa filters were the hardest for me to "get" or understand by just looking at it. That said, the minute you pull one out after use, it becomes rather intuitive. The wood is a sponge. They absorb moisture really well.

I found the Sav to work the best of the three if only because the balsa seems to give me the most honest tobacco taste. They can be kept in the pipe for three uses. Past that, I find they become overwhelmed. I like the balsa filters and when all three of the filters I have are used up, will probably only replace the Sav balsa filters. Though being able to use a pipe cleaner with the Dr. Grabow is a real advantage.

Finally, do yourself a favour and never throw any of these used filters in your trash unless that trash is stored outside lol. I am going to guess you can figure out why without any further explanation :).

Yeah - that's about it. That's what I have found so far. The 6mm filter system especially in balsa really works well for me, and I am sold. So much so, I will be probably be buying another Sav. It's not super sexy - but it works.

Thanks for reading.
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Feb 8, 2015
Long Island, New York, USA
I got a Sav Spring with the Balsa filter and I won't smoke it without one. I find that my pipe is a hell of a lot cleaner as well. Although, after taking it apart you're correct about how spongy the darn thing is but then again, it's what that's used for - absorb the moisture. I'm also with you though about that dreaded "tongue bite" that some of the baccy presents, but IMHO I've only had that really bad tongue bite with the black gold house blend I got from my local B&M which was a blend of toasted Cavendish and vanilla, with a mix of another bulk vanilla that I had added into the blend myself from another local B&M. For some reason, still had the bite like a son of a...... Other baccy's I've smoked I haven't had that bite. And honestly, the bite bothers the crap out of me and I feel like it takes away from me trying to enjoy my pipe. It's frustrating.

My Dr Grabow currently has no filter but I'm thinking of just throwing it back into the pipe well because I saw how well it kind of keeps the pipe a tad cleaner and absorbs a ton of moisture. My 2 other pipes are filter-less and they were purchased that way, so be it. I believe with the Sav's it's recommended to change the balsa filters every 5-6 smokes through it. And I'll admit that spongy feeling of the filter is funky for sure!


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
I've been a Savinelli fan since the late 70's and bought 2 more this past year...they are simply one of the best pipe brands out there (not that I've tried a lot....the ones I have just smoke so well ) I use the filters in one pipe and none in the other even though I could and I see a nice difference with the filter and will probably go with filters from here on. It's always about choice in matters like this...it's what you find that works for you is the best choice. Everything else is experimentation.
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Feb 4, 2015
I've been a Savinelli fan since the late 70's and bought 2 more this past year...they are simply one of the best pipe brands out there (not that I've tried a lot....the ones I have just smoke so well ) I use the filters in one pipe and none in the other even though I could and I see a nice difference with the filter and will probably go with filters from here on. It's always about choice in matters like this...it's what you find that works for you is the best choice. Everything else is experimentation.
That's about it. I have to admit, right now having the filter has really afforded me the chance to be able to learn how to smoke the pipe correctly. I don't know if I will forgo the filter later or not.

True to my review however, I have bought new filters for both my 6mm and 9mm - all balsa :).
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Feb 8, 2015
Long Island, New York, USA
That's about it. I have to admit, right now having the filter has really afforded me the chance to be able to learn how to smoke the pipe correctly. I don't know if I will forgo the filter later or not.

True to my review however, I have bought new filters for both my 6mm and 9mm - all balsa :).
It really comes down to your personal preference about the filters. If you can take them out and enjoy your bowl without it, then so be it. IMHO, I think the Sav filters absorb so much and keep it a hell of a lot cleaner than my others which are filter-less. BUT it can also take away from the flavors of your baccy you got in the bowl.
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Sep 12, 2014
Hermiston, OR
Well as people that know me or have read my posts. I have a great love for a Savinelli of mine. Its a 622KS Sitter. Crazy thing about this pipe. It gets abused and still smokes like a dream. I don't use the filter or the insert in it. I love that I can pack it every way good or bad it just loves tobacco. I smoke the Savinelli filters in pipes when I feel the need. (Mowing the lawn or building a shed) when I am doing something that takes my attention from my pipe. I smoke fast and hot so the filter helps with that. However if I am just enjoying my smoke relaxing then no filter so I can enjoy my tobacco. My cobs only time I smoke them with a filter is when new. I don't need too be told when to replace my filter. I smoke them till I can't draw through them. Then I just smoke then without filters. Only thing I see good with the filters in them is they keep the stem cleaner. My main cob the stem isn't really see through anymore. No matter how much I clean the stem.

Great review on the filters. Thank you for your insight.
Out oid the 100 plus pipes that I own, even the 43 Dr. Grabow. Only filter I use is the Savinelli if I use one that is. Very rare. My 3 Omega pipes all have had the Savinelli a few times.

A pipe cleaner as a filter? Kid you not one I have uses a full cleaner folded in half for a filter. Works pretty good.



BoM March '14
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Aug 14, 2013
Spring strong sweet tall green grass grow...
A pipe cleaner as a filter? Kid you not one I have uses a full cleaner folded in half for a filter. Works pretty good.
That's a really interesting idea, James!
If anyone else tries it, just keep it to single use and make sure to pull that cleaner as soon as the pipe is cool so the wire in it doesn't start to rust inside your pipe's airway.


BoM March '14
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Aug 14, 2013
Spring strong sweet tall green grass grow...
Good point Clint - it would rust out pretty quickly wouldn't it!
The way I've been running my rotation I keep a good bit of time between smoking the same pipe twice, and I'd be the guy that would forget the dang thing in there for a month and come back to a nasty mess!
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Feb 4, 2015
I got that order of balsa in today! 300 6mm, and 200 9mm. Woot.

I just smoked my Barbados using a 9mm balsa. Man! It's miles ahead of the Big Ben charcoal filters I have been using. Miles! I got 100 charcoals from another brand to try as well, but gents, they might not be tried in a while lol.