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A Brother is in need of our prayers, BrewinHooligan

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Mar 11, 2015
Mesa AZ
Glad things are working in your favor, hope you're able to still enjoy a stoag! We have some good doctors in the valley of the sun. Positive thoughts, brother.
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Dec 23, 2013
Yuma, AZ
Great to hear you are doing better brother! And if you need to quit smoking, well that sucks, but like mentioned before, your health is much more important. Plus then you have even more time to develop new brew recipes and help out rookies like me!
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Apr 25, 2014
Gilbert AZ
Well I finally was fever free long enough to be sent home. Just got home a little bit ago and so glad to be in my own bed. Viral Meningitis is a real bitch and I am still very weak and have no appetite. I am not very patient and healing is taking way too long for my liking, but it seems that I have lost a bit of weight. I still have a way to go until I'm 100% and have lots of follow up appointments and an appointment with the Pulmonologist to figure out if the nodule on my lung is a serious problem. I cannot thank y'all enough for your prayers and support. Regardless of what the Pulmonologist says, I will be active on the board.
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Oct 4, 2009
Chicago Area
Well I finally was fever free long enough to be sent home. Just got home a little bit ago and so glad to be in my own bed. Viral Meningitis is a real bitch and I am still very weak and have no appetite. I am not very patient and healing is taking way too long for my liking, but it seems that I have lost a bit of weight. I still have a way to go until I'm 100% and have lots of follow up appointments and an appointment with the Pulmonologist to figure out if the nodule on my lung is a serious problem. I cannot thank y'all enough for your prayers and support. Regardless of what the Pulmonologist says, I will be active on the board.
Great news! Rest up and let us know what you need.