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Book Review: Tee Ceremony; A Cosmic Duffer's Companion to The Ancient Game of Golf

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Jul 12, 2014
Golf Book Review by stogiesnbogies
Tee Ceremony: A Cosmic Duffer’s Companion to The Ancient Game of Golf
Sacred Ruminations and Profane Observations about Golf and Life

By Dan Camilli
Available at Amazon and BarnesandNoble.com
This is DEFINITELY not an instructional book and the author says so in his introduction.
It is a humorous yet informative journey into the philosophical and mystical aspects of golf.
Camilli , a long time philosophy instructor with a Harvard background, calls himself a “Cosmic Duffer” and explains that he views golf as a kind of moving meditation – “a form of Tai Chi with clubs” and he seeks to use golf as a tool for personal growth and development.

He says that “The Cosmic Duffer knows that golf offers a transformative experience. It’s an exquisitely simple yet complex game- an 18 hole drama- complete with plot and subplots. Yet the hero and the villain are always the same person- YOU. “

The book is set up like a round of golf with 18 Holes (chapters) as well as a 19th hole stop with some “Final Swing Thoughts”. It is modeled after the Tao Te Ching’s 81 Chapters designed to provoke thought and reflection in the reader.

The chapters are short and free ranging; addressing “Sacred and Profane” topics such as golf partners, cigars (He's Pro cigars and Pipes! And devotes a chapter to them.) , driving distance liars and putting to name but a few. He does this with a sense of humor, likening his golf game to owning an old car; when you fix one thing, another breaks down.

The book also includes a series of golf cartoons and quotes by philosophers and writers at the start of each chapter that help to further lighten up the more profound topics such as Aristotle’s “Three Types of Friendship” which will have you examining your playing partners anew.
If you’ve ever wondered what Plato, Aristotle, Buddha and the Bhagavad Gita have to do with golf – or even if you haven’t- you might want to check this one out.
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