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CC Lonsdales

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Aug 18, 2005
Chicago NW burbs
So true. If it isn't a fat ring gauge with double bands they killed it off:(
Yes but considering the low quality of the lonsdales they were putting out before being discontinued, I sure don't miss them. Not many Upmann or Bolivar Lonsdales I had from the late 90s through the late 00s had good draw or good tobacco for that matter. Partagas 898V had a few exceptional boxes, but equal amount of shitty ones as well. LGC was the exception IME. Don't know how they could have shipped so many small rg tent pegs over the years, very poor qc.
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Aug 18, 2005
Chicago NW burbs
Choices are pretty slim for current prod Party 898, Trinidad Fundi, RyJ Cazadores, Monte No.1, Siglo V. I think that is all off the top of my head.

My preference would be Party 898, Fonseca No.1 and Trinidad Fundi, never disappoints
Only the Cazadores (kinda) and Monte 1 are lonsdales in this list.
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Oct 31, 2009
Yes but considering the low quality of the lonsdales they were putting out before being discontinued, I sure don't miss them. Not many Upmann or Bolivar Lonsdales I had from the late 90s through the late 00s had good draw or good tobacco for that matter. Partagas 898V had a few exceptional boxes, but equal amount of shitty ones as well. LGC was the exception IME. Don't know how they could have shipped so many small rg tent pegs over the years, very poor qc.
Yea, I've had my share of plugged crap but still enjoy the smaller rg CC's.