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Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Has anyone else been a beneficiary of the Obama Home Loan Modification Plan? The wife and I put in for this about a year ago before Obama actually had been sworn in so maybe this was part of Bushs' deal,,,but anyway we got Fed Ex'd documents this week that told us that we were accepted and our house payment was just cut almost in half,,,holy shit! We will be saving a $1000 a month now and in this day and age that is HUGE! Just letting others know who tried to get into this program ( like we have for the last year by calling every week) that you might be getting a notice in the next week or so. Can you imagine what this means to my cigar budget?

Check out these links as this program is going to end soon and you need to get the paperwork in ASAP. It starts with a 4 month trial to make sure you can make the payments,,,well hell yeah as it is now 38% less than what it was. Honestly brothers, if you have not gotten into this loan modification they are not going to repeat it later so get your paperwork in now. It was totally worth the wait. I even hear now that afterwards they are awarding
homeowners who make their payments on time are eligible for up to $1,000 of principal reduction payments each year for up to five years.

