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Couple of botl etiquette questions.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
For the guys saying to pass on a gifted cigar. I agree to a point......
If someone asks for a htf or super premium they've never had and Ive smoked it once or 6x. I'm sending it off for someone else to try.
If your sending gifted cigars "to the next guy" cause he may enjoy it. I don't subscribe to this logic. The next person has not asked for it and it was intended for your enjoyment originally as a gift to you.
Two totally different situations IMO.


BoM December 2012
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Nov 10, 2011
Columbus, OH
...I tend to bomb brothers that I know that will smoke it though. Good example is Jdog and thejavaman. Those two are chimneys...
I prefer guinea pig, Eddie - thank you very much! Haha. :)

I definitely never regift anything sent to me (unless I forget somehow). Divulging of sources can be tricky for some guys. I absolutely don't like when someone I've never interacted with before asks me for a CC source. Like my boy JFire said, I didn't even ask for a confirmation of a source (one that I had already found on my own) until I had been an active member here for a year plus.


I hate E and Chef
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Feb 18, 2010
they aren't little pieces of your heart they are just cigars.
Love this sentence.

1. If I send you cigars, they're yours. Your choice as to what you want to do with them.

2. You send me cigars, I smoke them or sometimes give to someone who will enjoy it more than I will (if it's htf.)

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Il n'y a pas de fumée san
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Aug 18, 2012
I never regift cigars. If someone was generous enough to gift them to me I'll keep them. If I don't really care for that particular cigar(s), I'll still keep them for bbq's and gatherings for the guys that don't smoke everyday.... As far as sources go, YOU need to make your bones... Stay a while, get to know people. Have fun and participate. People here are very willing to share once they know you a bit!!


I hate E and Chef
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Feb 18, 2010
they aren't little pieces of your heart they are just cigars.
Love this sentence.

1. If I send you cigars, they're yours. Your choice as to what you want to do with them.

2. You send me cigars, I smoke them or sometimes give to someone who will enjoy it more than I will (if it's htf.)

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
One thing I forgot. If you have an iso for something, especially an htf something, you should not be selling that.

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Sep 20, 2013
Orange County, NY
The first thought that came to my head regarding issue #1 is.. What do you do when the person who bombed you with it sends you a PM saying "Hey, how'd you like that XYZ?" .. ?? Things easily have sentimental value to me so I'd find it hard to give 'em away, and even harder to break the news of doing such.

As for #2, what would I know? I'm new to all this :) If I ever got one I'd probably throw it in the 'dor forever, just to horde it, and never smoke it. LOL
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Sep 17, 2012
Western, NY
Personally, I keep everything that is sent to me and only gift out sticks that I have purchased, but I do not have any problems when someone I have gifted sticks to turns around and gifts them to someone else. In my world I call that "Spreading the Joy".


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
1. It's a gift. Treat it as such. It belongs to you, but try to honor the givers' intent. I don't have any problem with folks passing on stuff, especially if it's a relatively inexpensive stick. But let's say I bombed an Opus X Coffin out because it was your birthday. I'd be kinda bummed to see you send that to someone else because I wanted you to enjoy it, I didn't intend to just build your bombing arsenal.

2. This should have absolutely nothing to do with your time on the board, and everything to do with relationship. It's a private conversation, and let me just put it this way: it shouldn't be the first PM you've sent to the person your asking. You ought to have a relationship with them before you start asking those kinds of questions. You're asking for help obtaining something illegal. That's not a question you just ask anyone.