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Devil's Weed Corona Grande

Rating - 100%
206   0   0
Dec 12, 2004
Bought a fiver of these 5.6" x 46 smokes from CI a couple months ago for dirt cheap ($7) and have smoked most of them .... including one during the evening commute today. So far they have been very consistent.

These sticks won't blow you away with tons of flavor or complexity, but for the price, they are an excellent value for a daily smoke. They start off mild-medium in strength and body. Flavors are a nice mix of tobacco, cedar, pepper, and cocoa. By the second half the strength and body are a solid medium. The burn is even and the draw is easy, producing a thick cloud of smoke.

The only downside is that the pack on these is on the light side. This makes the burn somewhat quick (I was done with this in 45 min). Also, the ash is not very solid and does drop off at the slightest provocation. Still for a buck and change each, these are way above your average "lawn cigar". These would also be good for friends who don't smoke much, but still want to raid your humidor when they come over. :ccool:
Rating - 100%
99   0   0
Dec 3, 2009
Knoxville, TN
I haven't tried them yet but was reading about them. I was planning on grabbing some for friends who don't know the difference. Thanks for the short review.