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Different pipes for different blends?

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Dec 17, 2011
Vegas, baby
Looking to try pipe smoking as a side gig from cigars. I've got a Dr. Grabow (no laughing, please) that will get me started. I've read tons of message board posts, websites, and viewed a lot of videos, but either it was never stated or I missed it... but if you smoke, say, aromatics, is it best to keep that pipe dedicated to that blend? Will it affect the flavor if you smoke a particular blend for a time then try something else? Or is there nothing imparted into the pipe that really makes a difference, so don't worry about it?

I understand the concept that the briar pipes need a "rest", but what I'm asking about is different ... I think.

Also, the pipe tobacco suggestions for beginners are confusing, especially on the retailer websites. Of course it is "you like what you like", but I just want to buy a small sampler/variety for reasonable cost to get my feet wet. Range is fine -- aromatics to Virginias, I'm open to whatever. Not sure what I'm going to like yet.

Any vendors do a flight of tobaccos that are a good variety and reasonable cost/proportions?

Thanks in advance for the help!
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Dec 17, 2011
Vegas, baby
I know the focus is more on cigars here, but no thoughts on a dedicated pipe for a certain blend question?

Did a little digging on my own, and found this place. Quite the sampler, and one that lets your choose your poisons. Will check them out in the near future and report back.


BoM March '07
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Dec 5, 2005
You should have separate pipes for aromatics and English (or non-aromatics) blends. Yes, you should let the pipe rest between smokes. I don't smoke more than two bowls back to back. Boswell's is a great place to get pipe tobacco. Give them a call and they will set you up with some "sample" sizes. Here's the Link:



Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
I would say if you smoke certain aromatics as a favorite than yes dedicate a pipe to it. I know I have certain hookahs dedicated to flavors because they can bleed through even with the steel pipe of a hookah. I am sure pipes are the same then.

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May 18, 2007
Most pipers once their collection expands will dedicate pipes to certain blends. As I mainly smoke english blends most of my pipes are used for them. That being said I have a few for aromatics only and a few dedicated to virgina blends. You may also find certain tobacco smokes better in smaller or larger bowls, most of my virgina pipes have small bowls.

Lastly don't be ashamed smoking a Dr. Grabow I still have several in my rack several are great smokers.
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Feb 7, 2012
Welcome to the better way of tobacco drinking. Yes, it was calleddrinkingsmoke when it first got started in England.

As to using different pipes for different blends...That could get very expensive. There are thousands of different blends. Some of the aromatics leave a strong taste in the pipe that takes a long time to get rid of (Condor is one of those.) Others are more fogiving. Look to Lane blends, they are very common in good tobacconists. Gawith Hoggarth also a great line of tobaccos. Cornell and Dielh has a great number of tobaccos to try.

Take your time. Enjoy the learning process. I would strongly suggest you buy a couple of full size corn cob pipes. They smoke great and cost little.
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Mar 30, 2012
Hill Country, Texas
I have several pipes that I have collected over the past year, and dedicated one to each of the several different blends I have come to love. I have purchased several Meerschaum pipes, and lots of cheapies online, and from my local Tobacconist. Some dont see much use, and some are my favorites. I use smokingpipes.com and several other sites for samplers, most have really decent prices on small amounts of tobacco or put together their most popular blends on the cheap.... I have several Dr. Grabow pipes as well as yello bowl and no name box pipes that work just fine for me.