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Flavor to the end

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Jan 25, 2017
Alright veteran pipers...perhaps this has been discussed and I’m not seeing it. But, I experience flavor declines as I go through certain bowls. Blends like Nightcap and OJK, or for that matter non aros that aren’t Virginia heavy...have good taste and some change as the bowl progresses. With aros, and some non... I get halfway or a bit more and the flavors seems to disappear.
Is it the nature of pipes? Am I smoking wrong? I do go slow and have learned the breathe method... but, I still get to a lacking flavor enjoyment part. Do I slow down? Speed up? I could use some wisdom on this topic.

i do like some sweetness, but I also really like some of the “English” blends if you will because of the flavor profile lasting. Burleys with perique and Virginia are also quite nice. I like the nic content of them as well. Perhaps I’m a non aro smoker trying to find too much in aros?

your wisdom is appreciated.
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Aug 18, 2019
Central Texas
I don’t smoke a lot of Aro’s so maybe someone who does will chime in. It’s my understanding that what you’re describing ia fairly common and it’s just the nature of the casing. There are some aro’s that do maintain the flavor all the way through, maybe try some different blends. With non aro’s if you lose flavor or start getting a cigarette/ashy taste it’s a sign of smoking too hot/wet
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Jan 25, 2017
I don’t smoke a lot of Aro’s so maybe someone who does will chime in. It’s my understanding that what you’re describing ia fairly common and it’s just the nature of the casing. There are some aro’s that do maintain the flavor all the way through, maybe try some different blends. With non aro’s if you lose flavor or start getting a cigarette/ashy taste it’s a sign of smoking too hot/wet
It’s mostly the aros. Maybe I’ll get a smaller pipe or pack half a bowl. Sometimes it leads to nice tobacco tastes - but, often aros wind up being blah. Most non aros don’t do that and they are a joy to the end.

thanks for the info.
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Oct 31, 2009
If your pipe is smoking wet that might cause the flavor decline. I'd suggest smoking half the bowl and then put it down for 30 minuets and see what happens.
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Jul 23, 2016
Elkton, Kentucky
Alright veteran pipers...perhaps this has been discussed and I’m not seeing it. But, I experience flavor declines as I go through certain bowls. Blends like Nightcap and OJK, or for that matter non aros that aren’t Virginia heavy...have good taste and some change as the bowl progresses. With aros, and some non... I get halfway or a bit more and the flavors seems to disappear.
Is it the nature of pipes? Am I smoking wrong? I do go slow and have learned the breathe method... but, I still get to a lacking flavor enjoyment part. Do I slow down? Speed up? I could use some wisdom on this topic.

i do like some sweetness, but I also really like some of the “English” blends if you will because of the flavor profile lasting. Burleys with perique and Virginia are also quite nice. I like the nic content of them as well. Perhaps I’m a non aro smoker trying to find too much in aros?

your wisdom is appreciated.
The same thing happens to me A LOT no matter which pipe I smoke. I haven’t tried any of the pipe types @BloodWood suggested, only briar and cob pipes. Most of the time when I start getting to that point I end up dumping the rest of the bowl as it’s just not enjoyable to smoke any further. I’ve wondered if maybe I’m smoking a little too fast trying to find the balance between keeping the pipe lit and constant relighting. Should I just accept this as part of smoking a pipe and continue to dump the last tiny bit of unburnt tobacco or should I be able to smoke it until nothing remains but ash?

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Aug 18, 2019
Central Texas
The same thing happens to me A LOT no matter which pipe I smoke. I haven’t tried any of the pipe types @BloodWood suggested, only briar and cob pipes. Most of the time when I start getting to that point I end up dumping the rest of the bowl as it’s just not enjoyable to smoke any further. I’ve wondered if maybe I’m smoking a little too fast trying to find the balance between keeping the pipe lit and constant relighting. Should I just accept this as part of smoking a pipe and continue to dump the last tiny bit of unburnt tobacco or should I be able to smoke it until nothing remains but ash?

Having some dottle left is normal, how much depends on how dry the tobacco is, how humid the air is, your cadence, packing, Etc
if you’re only dumping a tiny bit, then I would consider that a success! I’m enjoying a calm, peaceful afternoon smoke so I’m not gonna Start on the ” one match, fine white ash” myth.