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Fonseca CCX Corona Bleh


Is it Nicaraguan
Rating - 100%
33   0   0
Aug 13, 2007
Tracy, CA
It's 8:25 in the evening and it's 90 degrees. So as I sit by the pool watching the grandson splash and play I feel there's no better time to give this stick in the Corona format a shot.

I am pairing I with a Laguita's IPA

The pre light draw is pleasing. I detect grasses and plum.

The smoke is plentiful and the stick tastes like an Oatmeal Raisin cookie. The aroma is very pleasing, the wife says so herself.

The first third is pretty one dimensional in terms of taste; sweet berries, raisins and bready. The retrohale enhances the experience significantly.

The smoke is thin and voluminous, somewhat whispy and does not coat the tongue very long so you have to search for any power. That's not a bad thing, just an observation. Keep in mind, I am a full body, full flavor guy.

To me, when a cigar this young, this fresh smokes as well as this one, it had great aging potential.

The flavors are intensifying as this stick burns. I am picking up pecans and a bit of citrus all the while the retrohale continues to add to the pleasure.

At the start of the second third, the flavor profile shifts towards a more medium body with hints of white chocolate and fruit being predominant. This cigar is complex beyond any I have smoked in a while with flavors all over the map. To me, this can be a turn off as it does not allow me to properly profile/categorize it. In a phrase, the cigar is 51/50.

The smoke volume is increasing as is the viscosity of it. It is thickening to the point of being cloying.

At the half way point the stick is starting to settle down. A more pronounced fruitiness and floral after taste. All the while turning bitter. The ash is starting to flake and the retrohale had stopped providing benefits.

I am going to try and hang with it for the sake of you guys, "taking one for the team so-to-speak'

Well, I have smoked all I can, this stick simply does not do anything or at least enough for me. To continued smoking it would only add to my frustration and I am not up for that.

Life's too short for bad cigars and this brothers and sisters...is just that, a bad cigar.

The above review is my opinion only and not meant to persuade others not to try it. Simply for me, it is not a cigar I would ever try again!

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