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For All The Golfers Out There


Cigars, hockey, and beer.
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Aug 18, 2010
Got a magnetic ball mark from the golf course I first worked at as a kid. Loved playing that course and still cool to have something from it even though it's changed names now.
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Dec 27, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
All these 35 years of golfing and I thought that the purpose of a ball marker was so that if your ball is in another player's line, you could mark the spot so they don't hit your ball - and you could replace your ball on 'exact' spot.

Maybe I've been wrong. It appears nowadays that a for some, a ball marker is more of a look-at-me prop. I completely get iCraig's sentimental value, but it is a real ball marker. I always figured anything thicker than a dime was tacky and/or distracting.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
All these 35 years of golfing and I thought that the purpose of a ball marker was so that if your ball is in another player's line, you could mark the spot so they don't hit your ball - and you could replace your ball on 'exact' spot.

Maybe I've been wrong. It appears nowadays that a for some, a ball marker is more of a look-at-me prop. I completely get iCraig's sentimental value, but it is a real ball marker. I always figured anything thicker than a dime was tacky and/or distracting.
That's why I've always used the hat marker. It's thinner then a dime and regular marker size. and sticks right to the bill of the hat like its made to be there.

Red Raider

Wreck 'em Tech
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Feb 29, 2012
123 Anytown Texas, 12345
I also use a ball marker that is on the brim of my hat. It os slightly larger in diameter than a quarter and a little thinner than a dime. Marking my ball, aligning my putt then placing the ball back per its marked position with the stamped logo along the intended path os the routine for EVERY putt I take. It's just something that has become second nature and habit.

Can you guess what is imprinted on my ball marker?

Cigar Cowboy

BoY...in Hell!!!
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Nov 29, 2009
SoCal by way of Texas
All these 35 years of golfing and I thought that the purpose of a ball marker was so that if your ball is in another player's line, you could mark the spot so they don't hit your ball - and you could replace your ball on 'exact' spot.

Maybe I've been wrong. It appears nowadays that a for some, a ball marker is more of a look-at-me prop. I completely get iCraig's sentimental value, but it is a real ball marker. I always figured anything thicker than a dime was tacky and/or distracting.
The purpose of a ball marker is also to allow you to clean your ball and line it up for a straight putt. A larger ball marker helps keeps people from walking on your line, allows for easier reads if you step farther away for a good read and also makes it harder to fall out of your pocket and get lost. I also keep a cheap flat marker in my pocket incase the marker is in someone elses line.

I hate when people use a little tiny ball marker that hardly anyone can see and then they yell at you because you stepped on their line. Or you have to ask them over and over again "where is your marker?" Most everyone is going to large markers these days. Poker chips have become very popular.
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