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FTTF Cigar C blind review (better late than never?)

Rating - 100%
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Jun 7, 2011
I didn't review last cigar C last weekend because I had a cold and was afraid I wasn't going to be able to give a good review. Unfortunately, it's even worse this weekend so I fear I may not do stick C justice with this review. On to it, however...

So "C" is 6 x 52 and beautifully constructed. No seriously, this is one heck of a nicely put together cigar. Just from looking at it, I have my suspicions, but more on that later. Lovely dark brown with extremely light veining, almost no tooth and slightly oily.

Pre-light is fairly non-aromatic, but that's probably my cold. All I really got off of it was a little hay. I punched it and torched it and took a couple of puffs.

Very robust right away. Some pepper, but not as much as I was suspecting, a lot of leather, wood, and even citrus in the first few puffs. This sucker is putting off tons of smoke and the ash is very white.

Moving through the cigar a little and the flavors change to very heavy cocoa notes. Still a little citrus and pepper on the retrohale, but I'm 99% convinced I'm not really getting everything out of this cigar that I should be, which is disappointing. Stupid cold.

At halfway, it's still cocoa and coffee. It's smoking beautifully. Nice burn, white ash, lots of smoke.

Towards the end it starts to pick up the pepper again. I'm afraid I can't provide the photo of the nub because along with the cold, I'm apparently ate up with the dumb ass today and don't know how to save a picture properly on my new phone. Trust me though, I nearly burned my fingers.

Before I lit it, I thought it might be an LP 9, however, I compared it to a couple in my stash and the wrapper wasn't as dark or as toothy. Next to an undercrown, it looked closer, but the wrapper still didn't seem right. Yeah, I know, wrappers can vary a lot even in the same line. I think if I could breathe a little better I would be able to definitively yay or nay it as a UC. There still some doubt though because of my muted palate this week. UC is a strong contender. My other guess (it's a bit of a coin toss at this point) is one that I've had a few of, but not recently and don't have one to compare to right now and that would be a T-52.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to participate. Sorry for the late and kinda lame review.