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'Give up cigar smoking while it's easy' advises an anti-tobacco activist...

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Dec 19, 2016
He thinks that addiction is inevitable and that it happens sooner rather than later.

Here's my reply to him (it's from another forum)...

Screenshot from 2017-01-04 15-14-49.png

That should read "the first two weeks of December."


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
I asked a question about a weather station being sold on Amazon, specifically if it would work in a large humidor.

"Larry" answers that it will, but asks if I know that all forms of tobacco are bad.

Why can't people (strangers) focus on their children and leave us grown adults the fuck alone?
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Dec 19, 2016
Why can't people (strangers) focus on their children and leave us grown adults the fuck alone?

Hear, hear!

I just learned that my soon to be former neighbor is an anti-tobacco activist. She claims she's given thousands of dollars to anti-tobacco legislation. My son was outside smoking a cigar (he smokes about 1 or 2 a month) and she (assuming he was younger than his 30 years) proceeded to give him the business about the dangers of cigars. He politely told her to scram.

He pointed out to me that he wasn't overtly rude to her because she wasn't rude to him. But, if you think about it, she was. It's none of her business what he ingests or inhales. It was rude of her to say anything at all—no matter her demeanor as she said it.


The General
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Dec 2, 2014
Jacksonville, NC
I asked a question about a weather station being sold on Amazon, specifically if it would work in a large humidor.

"Larry" answers that it will, but asks if I know that all forms of tobacco are bad.

Why can't people (strangers) focus on their children and leave us grown adults the fuck alone?
You should cut back bro, maybe vape instead?

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Nov 14, 2016
I think anything could be potentially addictive, but cigars get a raw deal on all health concerns because cigarettes are so godawful on every level.

I never smoked anything until I was maybe 33, and I took up pipes and cigars. Never have had anything I'd describe as a craving. It's a thing I like to do and I always like to do those things more, but once every 2 weeks is plenty for me.

I think, more than activists or even government, that science needs to really buckle down and distinguish between the real harm of other forms of tobacco vs. cigarettes.

And stop banning vape pens that are actually helping people.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
If you smoke (no matter what type) and eat like shit. You will pay for it sooner rather than later. I have a stressful job and a busy family life. I know what I'm doing to myself. It's part of my relaxation. I also know that I try to be responsible with all daily activities in my life. A little booze, a little cigar, a little cardio, a little water and a little weight training. SADLY most of us on this forum don't get that everything in nature requires homeostasis. You can not smoke 2-3 Xs everyday, be overweight and get away with it. It WILL bite you in the ass. This includes most of us on this forum. Myself included sometimes! (I gained 8lbs in December.) Ill have it back off in 2 months.
This invites the Antis to come into our world and preach to us. I've told a neighbor when asked about my cigar smoking and if I'm worried.
"Did you worry about when you fed your family the take out food last week?"
Everything requires balance......

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Addiction is possible with almost anything....if you have an addictive personality then the possibilities are endless. Cigars to me are like medicine anyway....they keep me sane...they relax me and save me a ton of money. Psychiatry can cost anywhere from $150 an hour up to $300.....meds like xanax and others can be more addicting and when I look at the balance sheet....one hour at the head shop is a box of Cuban Cigars and the way I figure it...I get pretty happy when I see that box arrive and I've never left a psych appointment happy.
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Jun 11, 2016
Where the Sun Never Sets
Too many people are addicted to being azzhats who tell others how to live. The worst of them may even try to physically force others to live that 'vision', using the institution of governments as a hammer. Ultimately, this has lead to wars and the loss of millions of lives.

Bottom line - - they can go bugger themselves

P.S. - 'addiction' is physical dependency. IMO the word is used incorrectly and too loosely by azzhats with an agenda.
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Dec 19, 2016
Too many people are addicted to being azzhats who tell others how to live. The worst of them may even try to physically force others to live that 'vision', using the institution of governments as a hammer. Ultimately, this has lead to wars and the loss of millions of lives.
My soon-to-be-former neighbor is an anti-tobacco activist. I just learned this the other day. I'm out of the country and my son went to the house to visit. He smokes cigars, but not often—maybe 1-2 per month. I found out he was home and texted him to grab a cigar out of my humi if he wanted one. He took me up on the offer and was outside smoking.

The nosy neighbor saw him out there in the front yard smoking and must have thought it was some kid smoking a cigar. See, he's tall, but looks young for his age. She went out there to confront him (albeit, in a gentle way, according to him). She asked him if he knew what damage he was causing his lungs and heart. He replied that he doesn't inhale—that, in fact, you're not supposed to inhale cigars. No sane person, said he, inhales cigars. She then talked about how the odor is offensive and she shouldn't have to smell it and blah blah blah and then she mentioned that she's an anti-tobacco activist and that she's given thousands of dollars to various campaigns, issue advocacy groups, and politicians to end the scourge of tobacco!

And that's statism in a nutshell, isn't it? She thinks she knows better than you how to live your life and how to spend your money. She cannot (or will not) go into your home and physically force you to live in the way she thinks you should, so she gives money to strangers who will then use threats and force against you until you behave.

And, here's an irony: she's an advocate for cannabis usage. Now, to be fair, I don't know if she specifically advocates smoking it, but odds are strong that she does. So, if my son was out there smoking a joint, would she have marched across the street and told him how much she supports what he's doing? Probably.
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May 11, 2013
My soon-to-be-former neighbor is an anti-tobacco activist. I just learned this the other day. I'm out of the country and my son went to the house to visit. He smokes cigars, but not often—maybe 1-2 per month. I found out he was home and texted him to grab a cigar out of my humi if he wanted one. He took me up on the offer and was outside smoking.

The nosy neighbor saw him out there in the front yard smoking and must have thought it was some kid smoking a cigar. See, he's tall, but looks young for his age. She went out there to confront him (albeit, in a gentle way, according to him). She asked him if he knew what damage he was causing his lungs and heart. He replied that he doesn't inhale—that, in fact, you're not supposed to inhale cigars. No sane person, said he, inhales cigars. She then talked about how the odor is offensive and she shouldn't have to smell it and blah blah blah and then she mentioned that she's an anti-tobacco activist and that she's given thousands of dollars to various campaigns, issue advocacy groups, and politicians to end the scourge of tobacco!

And that's statism in a nushell, isn't it? She thinks she knows better than you how to live your life and how to spend your money. She cannot (or will not) go into your home and physically force you to live in the way she thinks you should, so she gives money to strangers who will then use threats and force against you until you behave.

And, here's an irony: she's an advocate for cannabis usage. Now, to be fair, I don't know if she specifically advocates smoking it, but odds are strong that she does. So, if my son was out there smoking a joint, would she have marched across the street and told him how much she supports what he's doing? Probably.
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Jun 11, 2016
Where the Sun Never Sets
Yep . . I really don't care what they think. Twice as true when they're not even a family member.

They have to have a gun strapped on and a badge before a stranger's opinion is worth some attention.
We need to tell old lady busybodies and similar types to kiss off. Politeness isn't always warranted & has lead to
some real craziness in this country.