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Golfing Incident

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Jan 22, 2007
Ottawa, Illinois
A man and his wife were playing golf when he hits a bad shot and ends up on the edge of some woods with a grounds keeping barn between him and the hole.
He is just about to chip it out to the fairway when his wife says " Hey, If I open the double doors in the front and the garage door in the back you will have a straight shot to the green."
The husband looks and realizes that she is right, so she opens both doors and stands off to the side. He lines up his shot, smacks the ball, it hits the side of the barn, bounces back, and hits his wife in the head. She drops down dead.

Six months later the husband, now a widow, is playing the same course with a friend. He gets to the same hole and lines up his shot. Once again he hits a bad shot and his ball lands in the same spot on the edge of the woods with the grounds keeping barn between him and the hole. He gets a pained look on his face and walks slowly to his ball. He looks at the barn and sighs deeply and starts to chip the ball out into the fairway.
His buddy sees this and yells." Hey, If I open the double doors in the front and the garage door in the back you will have a straight shot to the green."
The husband replies back, " Hell No! Last time I did that I got an 8 on this hole!"