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H Upmann 2009 Edicion Limitada Magnum 48

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Oct 25, 2010
Spanish Fort - USA
This is my first review so please be gentle. :) This is the second cigar of this type I have smoked. The first one was back in early April at the LCDH in Hamburg Germany. Back then , I had to deal with canoeing and draw issues from the very beginning, but I figured it was partially due to my lighting technique (or lack thereof). The cigar was okay, but it took a lot of work to get there.

At any rate , I found two in my bag when I got back home from my trip:innocent: and I let it sit in my humi since then. Today I figured it was time to torch one. I went to my normal hangout, keep in mind I have to smoke outside and it is in the 90s .

I warmed the foot and off I went. At first it was a little tight and there was a very slight burn issue. This lasted for the first half inch or so. As I got into the first inch (1/3) , the draw opened up and the burn improved. By the time I finished the first third, the ash was almost spot on and the draw was almost perfect. All the flavors were starting to come through. It was a bit earthy with some faint spices (maybe cocoa as well).

The second third was more of the same , but very delicious. I am still training my palette so it is hard for me to describe, but it was very good. As it got near the first band it started tightening up a bit , so I ashed it , blew through it and touched it up. It came back with a vengeance.

The last third ended up being the best even though I thought it would be a disappointment. Plenty of smoke and that distinctive aroma only a CC can have.

Overall , it was a solid smoke and I am looking to smoking the last one in a couple of months. Hopefully , my palette will continue to develop and the extra aging will make this cigar really shine.

By the way, you can see some pics on my twitter (latcalbear94)


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Mar 20, 2005
Grit City
Nice review. I've been smoking through a cab of them and find your description of the flavor profile to be very accurate.

unfortunatly I only have a couple left
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Jan 12, 2011
Hilton Head Island
I bought a ten back about a month or so ago. I've only had one and found it to be very flavorfull but the last third got a little muddled.

I think more time will really make these shine. (My only other complaint is that it such a small vitola - I hate having such a primo smoke in such a small package)

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Oct 25, 2010
Spanish Fort - USA
I seem to have burn issues with CCs for some reason. Today I had a Cohiba Maduro Magicos and had some burn issues. This particular cigar I have had for about 10 months. I am starting to wonder if it is my lighting technique or the fact that I am smoking them outside (calm weather). The temperature when I was smoking it was about 96 degrees with a humidity of 43-45%. I wonder if I am overheating the cigar as a almost crusty looking ash develops about where the canoeing is . I don't seem to have the same problem with the Padron or Tatuaje cigars I frequently smoke at my particular favorite spot. I'll repost this general question on the main board, but I was wondering if anyone feels this might be more of a CC quality issue. BTW , authenticity is not even a question, they are definitely legit :)


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
I've only ever had one of these and I do recall the burn issue bieng a proble as well. I fould it to be a bit to earthy for me and even had a ashy taste to it. Maybe I should seek out another and give it another go.
Not to shaby for your first review...Thanks!


Navin R Johnson
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Dec 14, 2010
On A Plane
I've gone through a handful of these - probably 5 - and they all pretty much had burn or draw issues. Great flavor profile - a lot of great, distinct notes... just can't seem to get one to burn right. Unfortunate too as the vitola is nice for a quick smoke.