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Hoyo de Monterrey Le Hoyo du Maire

Rating - 100%
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Dec 12, 2004
Summit Point, WV

I probably smoked this one too soon off the truck but the darn little things were so cute I couldn't resist.
What you see is not what you get with this little cigar. Given it's diminutive size I was pleasantly surprised by it's strength. An excellent draw provided plenty of smoke to taste the flavors it put out. Burn was fairly even through most of the cigar with a little run that corrected itself toward the end.
My first impression was that it was a little bitter but that smoothed out almost immediately. I think this cigar has finally taught me what "woody" flavor is. I've heard that description many times and haven't fully experienced it until now. Woody, but unlike any wood I've ever been familiar with. A very unique flavor, almost like the cigar had a mild spice additive. Nearly chemical tasting but not unpleasantly so. I finished it over a half hour ago and there's still a lingering aftertaste, kind of like a coffee that finishes well.
Although it's a completely different line it put me in mind of the RyJ Cazadore.
I plan to let these rest a while longer before I try them again. It's definitely a good size for a winter smoke, a walk the dog smoke or a commute smoke.
In short, I like it.