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Modified travel humi


A Razorback lost in Texas land
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Jan 30, 2021
Ft Worth, TX
My 40th bday is coming up later this week, and we are going to my home state, the beautiful mountains of Arkansas, with some close friends and their kids. Since the guys and I are all cigar nuts, I needed a travel case to take several cigars. Some to smoke at the cabin, and many more to send home with my friends. Also, I needed a project! Always need a new project, right? You may ask, why not just use the travel humi as it was? Well, what’s the fun in that??

Basically, I took an older Xicar 60-stick travel humidor and added some modified cedar trays. Excited to travel with it.1891EA42-2D6E-49AF-ACDC-F149C8A19740.jpeg
1. I removed all the foam inserts from the Xicar except for the very bottom one and the one attached to the lid.E7264E7B-0F26-4338-A49E-61964E86FB7D.jpeg
2. On top of the bottom piece of foam, I placed 6 Boveda packs to line the bottom.7CB8716B-B788-42F2-813B-9ABF83058262.jpeg
3. Then I jigsawed the ends off of two cedar trays, because they were about 1/4 inch too long to fit inside. I sat one of the trays on top of the Boveda.9B5F6F21-7799-46AF-8FF9-12B4E1D8708B.jpeg591FF8E1-7E44-4DBE-A739-5E4B622C0F28.jpeg
4. I took one of the removed foam inserts and cut it in half, length-wise. Then squeezed the two halves into the box, outside the long ends of the tray for some padding on the long sides.4C4C15CA-F464-46D5-B506-0C2E7206FC52.jpeg48BF3D42-32F9-4340-B886-BC7D4A97C29B.jpeg
5. Placed the second tray on top of the bottom tray.41214FF4-B121-43C6-88FE-8AAA32031FD3.jpeg
6. I took another piece of the removed foam, and trimmed 1/2” off either side, length-wise. This way, the foam will fit on top, in between the side padding foam I put earlier.6B8F160A-85DA-4F27-A44C-669E3166784D.jpeg65F84315-D2D9-4E49-8F18-DE4C869DFF2C.jpeg

After adding cigars to the bottom, I laid another layer of Boveda over them, before setting the top tray on. If I were putting this in checked luggage on a flight, I’d add some padding to the short sides of the box, but not gonna worry about that right now. The cigars don’t shift at all inside, but I’ll also handle it carefully as we travel.
Sounds like a lot of Boveda for this size box, but if you follow me on here, you know I recently replaced all the 65% bags in my humidor with 62%. Had to do SOMETHING with all those 65% bags! :LOL:
With this setup, I can fit about 30 cigars in the bottom, and about 15 in the top. Robusto to Toro sizes mostly. Not bad for fifteen minutes’ work and very little effort!