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Monte on My Mind

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Oct 30, 2017
So, I've got this box of Monte No 2's my wife bought for me back in Feb. '14. We had just moved to S. Florida and she wanted to treat me. I was just really getting into cigars at the time. Never really had any Cubans. She talked to some attorneys she worked with and was able to procure a box of the highly (at the time especially) No 2s. I've smoked them here and there over the years and as I got more and more into cigars, began to question their validity. Tonight, I took the plunge down the rabbit hole and sliced one open shortly after lighting it up and just not getting the same profile I've gotten out of other Montes I've smoked this year from elsewhere. Here is a selection of photos. I'm curious what people's thoughts are on this, considering I don't have a huge knowledge base for Cubans.

IMG_1031.JPG IMG_1032.JPG IMG_1033.JPG IMG_1034.JPG IMG_1035.JPG IMG_0536.JPG IMG_0690.JPG
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Apr 25, 2018
I know nothing of validating CCs but every Monte I've seen the white print on the band is sort of faded, like not bold like that one is. Now that I think about it is it even white print they use? Someone who knows am I right?

Stupid Tapatalk
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Oct 5, 2010
Warren, MI
Yeah those are fake. Here are some reasons:
1. The band color looks wrong.
2. The printing is way misaligned, shit happens in Cuba of course but when discussing possible fake boxes, that's a no-no.
3. The band doesn't appear to have any embossing.
4. The flour-de-lis on the band looks fucked.
5. The serial is in the wrong format. For 2013 boxes it should be a 12 digit number starting with 00001XXXXXXX instead of the 5 and 7 digit combination you have there.
6. The box code font is wrong.
7. December is always DIC, never DEC.
8. PUC is a nonexistent code to the best of my knowledge.


Hot Ketchup
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Jul 24, 2018
Kansas City, MO
Yeah those are fake. Here are some reasons:
1. The band color looks wrong.
2. The printing is way misaligned, shit happens in Cuba of course but when discussing possible fake boxes, that's a no-no.
3. The band doesn't appear to have any embossing.
4. The flour-de-lis on the band looks fucked.
5. The serial is in the wrong format. For 2013 boxes it should be a 12 digit number starting with 00001XXXXXXX instead of the 5 and 7 digit combination you have there.
6. The box code font is wrong.
7. December is always DIC, never DEC.
8. PUC is a nonexistent code to the best of my knowledge.
Yoda has spoken.
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Oct 30, 2017
Yea, definitely confirming what I had started to piece together. I've learned quite a bit, and knew this would offer a chance to learn more. I'm still grateful for the gift. I was just happy there wasn't floor sweepings in the cigar when I cut it open lol.

Thanks everyone!
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Feb 4, 2015
Yea, definitely confirming what I had started to piece together. I've learned quite a bit, and knew this would offer a chance to learn more. I'm still grateful for the gift. I was just happy there wasn't floor sweepings in the cigar when I cut it open lol.

Thanks everyone!
Look on the bright side - the assholes who procured these for your wife have presumably been smoking fakes this entire time (y)

Nacho Daddy

Irrepressibly Irreverent Inveterate Ignominy
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Jul 17, 2009
the stamp on the bottom,Vendido en Cuba is a dead givaway.
it ONLY appears on fakes ,these are from Costa Rica I think.
along with the other obvious points.
Never tell the wife,smoke and enjoy them.

Nacho Daddy

Irrepressibly Irreverent Inveterate Ignominy
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Jul 17, 2009
on older boxes you may find 5 and 7, or 6 and 6 in the serial # configuration.