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My last cigar.

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Jun 7, 2014
summerside pei canada
Today i am having my last cigar. Back in the spring my wife and i had a huge fight about nothing, i thought there was something else causing all the tension. After some more talking it turns out she really hated me smoking cigars. After a really long conversation i told her she is more important to me then cigars and after my stash was gone i would quit. Deep down i was hoping she would change her mind but she did not, so true to my word this is my last cigar. Over the last week i had 3 md project northern, an opusx an angels anvel 2014 and todays smole, a H.Upmann magnum 50. Over my short smoking history i have had some amazing cigars and witnessed some amazing acts of kindness on here so i will be sticking around here to witness more and still feel like i am part of something great.
Thanks for all the great suggestions guys, loved everyone of them!

Last cigar.jpg
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Jul 5, 2015
Lathrop, CA
Brother, great decision on your part. To love our wives as we love ourselves in an edict from Him who created marriage. I applaud your doing this and while I have only been here a short time, I am sure others would say the same thing; don't be a stranger. I have found that while cigars are the common thread, there is something deeper at work here. Guys bonding with guys and helping sharpen one another.

So, love the wifey, bond closer with her, cherish her and live the life you love while loving the life you live.
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Aug 17, 2014
The Wolverine State
Today i am having my last cigar. Back in the spring my wife and i had a huge fight about nothing, i thought there was something else causing all the tension. After some more talking it turns out she really hated me smoking cigars. After a really long conversation i told her she is more important to me then cigars and after my stash was gone i would quit. Deep down i was hoping she would change her mind but she did not, so true to my word this is my last cigar. Over the last week i had 3 md project northern, an opusx an angels anvel 2014 and todays smole, a H.Upmann magnum 50. Over my short smoking history i have had some amazing cigars and witnessed some amazing acts of kindness on here so i will be sticking around here to witness more and still feel like i am part of something great.
Thanks for all the great suggestions guys, loved everyone of them!

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Well youre going out with a bang!
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Apr 25, 2014
Gilbert AZ
While I am sure you aren't exactly happy about the change, I am confident that this will help strengthen your marriage. While cigars are the common theme that brought us all here, there is way more going on here than that as you already know. Even if you can't join us with a smoke, we still want you here as part of the "family". Best wishes brother!


Fuente Fanboy
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Feb 1, 2015
Sunray, Texas
I applaud you for your decision. While I hate not seeing you around here, I understand the sacrifice. I myself have been doing some soul searching here recently, and while I will still continue partaking of the leaf, have decided to put it on the back burner and concentrate on my family. My boy is a senior this year, and will only have him around a short while longer. Don't be a stranger, like has been said, this board goes way deeper than tobacco.
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Jun 13, 2015
Possibly an over time thing she might lighten up or is it a absolute? My wife wasn't happy when I started at first. I was only supposed to smoke on certain occasions and stuff like that. But after awhile she understood how much I enjoyed it and that it was a good relaxing way to end the day, so she let up and I can smoke all I want. Well 1 a day at most but that's my rule...budget lol.

But regardless family first. If my wife said I needed to give it up I would in a heart beat for her. Though id probably lean on her till she let me have one now and then. ;)
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Jul 23, 2013
I had a similar conversation a couple years back, and we compromised. I only smoke on weekends and holidays. Marriage is about compromise, it's unfortunate is has to be all or nothing. Maybe you could try only smoking on Saturdays? The worst case is you start to recent her for placing such a strict demand...


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
While I am sure you aren't exactly happy about the change, I am confident that this will help strengthen your marriage. While cigars are the common theme that brought us all here, there is way more going on here than that as you already know. Even if you can't join us with a smoke, we still want you here as part of the "family". Best wishes brother!
What he said. Don't be a stranger.

...and what happens if someone sends you a cigar for some odd reason or another? Can you smoke it? Just curious.
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Feb 8, 2015
Columbus, Ohio
Really tough to hear about this. I think I would dig a little deeper about the issue. What is it about cigars that she hates? Health issues? Time away from her? Financial concerns? How you/it smells? All valid points but have different routes for a potential solution/compromise.

My 25th wedding anniversary is next week. It is without a doubt the hardest thing I have ever done. Much more difficult than any problem I have had at work.

Major changes in behavior can certainly cause angst and problems. Jumping head-long into cigars would certainly qualify. I know the allure and the enthusiasm, believe me. You should probably talk it out at a calm moment and see what the real issue is and maybe you can retain some contact with the hobby. I don’t want to say it, but total forbiddance could be a harbinger of things to come.

On second thought, don’t listen to me, I’m not a marriage counselor…
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Jun 7, 2014
summerside pei canada
Really tough to hear about this. I think I would dig a little deeper about the issue. What is it about cigars that she hates? Health issues? Time away from her? Financial concerns? How you/it smells? All valid points but have different routes for a potential solution/compromise.

My 25th wedding anniversary is next week. It is without a doubt the hardest thing I have ever done. Much more difficult than any problem I have had at work.

Major changes in behavior can certainly cause angst and problems. Jumping head-long into cigars would certainly qualify. I know the allure and the enthusiasm, believe me. You should probably talk it out at a calm moment and see what the real issue is and maybe you can retain some contact with the hobby. I don’t want to say it, but total forbiddance could be a harbinger of things to come.

On second thought, don’t listen to me, I’m not a marriage counselor…
The issue is health, i am adopted and have no family medical history. She looked on line and found studies that were really bad and i explained they did not use cigars for the study (the truth) and i only smoked once a week. Cancer is a big fear for her and i understand that, that fear got a lot worst this weekend, her father smoked since he was 9 and they just found lung cancer. It is so bad they are just managing the pain. Her fear is a real fear and i will do what i can to make that fear as small as possible.
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Jul 23, 2014
Frankfort, NY
Time will pass. This is a traumatic experience for her. In the future you can reassure her that cigars are not quite the same as lifelong cigarette smoking. Obviously that conversation will not take place this year.
Keeping your account here active is a good move either way. These fine folks aren't going anywhere.
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Jun 7, 2011
Ok, now that I have some time to give this a real response, here we go:

I'm coming up on 22 years of marriage. In all that time, I don't think my wife has ever once told me what I can or can't do. I can't think of a single ultimatum issued in all those years. If she ever did give me one, maybe way back when we were first married, I probably laughed at her, told her she wasn't going to tell me what I can and can't do, and suggested that she go piss up a rope.

Likewise, I have never told her what to do either.

Marriage is about compromise and communication, not ultimatums and brinksmanship. The issue here to me isn't about cigars-- after all, they're rolled up leaves that we burn for fun-- it's about control. Brother, it sounds like she's trying to control you and unless you're into that sort of thing, you're going to resent it.

You brought up some concerns about health and it sounds like she's having a family crisis that is causing some knee-jerk reactions. That's understandable. Part of your role as a husband is to support her, and help her get past her fears.

I'm going to sidebar here for a second and make a couple of real broad-brush statements that even a few years ago a younger me would be shocked that I said them. I have, however, been observing things for a long time and as well as having been married for a couple decades, I have daughters, so I have seen this first hand not only in my own family, but in just about every other family too:
1) Women want a man who makes them feel safe and calms their fears. Don't believe me? Next time there is a loud noise in the middle of the night see if your wife gets up to check it out or sends you to do it.
2) Women will continually push and push and push to see how much they can get away with. If you don't tell them "No" once in awhile, you will be forever steam rolled. Personally, I blame Disney movies (slight joke) but every girl wants to be a princess. They all act like them sometimes. If you let them, they'll act like it all the time. (This 'princess syndrome' as I call it is easily observable phenomena. Listen to pop music or watch TV shows targeted at women, or even just pick up a woman's magazine sometime)

Back to the point of compromise: My wife doesn't want me smoking in the house. She has valid reasons for that that I can't really make logical arguments against. It's not really a big deal to me as I'm rarely in the house during my free time, so I have compromised 99% of the time on this wish. There are times, however, when I'm in my office and I need to get things done, like right now, that I want a cigar. So sometimes I light up. Actual conversation we had about a week ago:

"I know you sneak cigars down in your office"
"Um... I don't sneak them, I just smoke them."
"You know I don't like it when you smoke in the house."
"I do, and that's why I don't do it very often. Sometimes though, I'm going to have a cigar in there."

...And that was the end of the conversation.

Look, health concerns are real. They're valid. The fact that her father is dying right now is horrible (my sympathy, sincerely) and understandable that she's having a strong reaction. Now may not be the time to have a battle with her. (That's another lesson I've learned, pick the timing of your compromise discussions carefully lest they become actual fights). If having a cigar once in a while--or even more frequently than that-- is something that you want to do, not having that discussion with her at some point when she's ready to listen to reason, is short changing yourself. Doing that is not what healthy marriages are made of. And I'll go back to this again because it's important: It's not about the cigars, it's about control and compromise. Pretty much every unhappy marriage I've ever seen there has been a significant imbalance of power in the home. Some of the best ones I've observed are the ones where people get to live their own lives independent, but still respectful, of their partner.

My two cents. ...And that's about all my opinion is usually worth.

Best of luck to you.
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