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Need Positive Thoughts


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Praying for you man....also that the doctor's are able to figure out what is going on.

Good thing that they were able to see that there is a potential issue and are working to find a solution.
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Jan 15, 2015
Thanks for the support guys. I called my doctor this morning to get the process rolling. Unfortunately a couple of coworkers walked in during the call. I was trying to keep it out of the rumor mill. On the positive side, they saw me lose it on the nurse and now they have a new respect.

There really hasn't been a lot of communication and when I wanted an appointment for Tuesday the nurse tried to divert me. "We can probably get this whole process started without you coming in." This was after telling her that I had been going through this for five months without anything more than, this is the next test and I needed to sit with the doctor and get a handle on things. I am surprised that I didn't curse even once.

I told her, "if I don't come in he needs to get on the phone with me. This is beyond crazy that I have a family history of liver cancer and for five months nobody has even bothered to sit me down and talk about the possibilities. I have been through multiple blood tests with nothing but a nurse telling me to come in for more or that I have an ultrasound coming up. Now they've found a lesion on my liver and I'm being told to sit back and wait for another test. That doesn't even make sense. I need to know what I'm facing. We need to sit down and work out a plan for how we fix this. . ." There was more, but I can't remember it. I just went in. I got my appointment.

Then the nurse called back about an hour later with a list of four things to start doing now. I told her if the doctor had sat down with me he would know I don't drink, I don't eat sugary junk food, and that I work out three or four days a week and walk about seven miles per day at work.

I'll probably be looking for a new doctor when this is over.


Lanceros, Cowgirls and Burritos
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Apr 15, 2016
W. Glacier, Montana
I'll probably be looking for a new doctor when this is over.
My thoughts are with ya brother....but I would start finding a new Dr. and staff asap. Seriously if they don't take your situation seriously now, then I wouldn't let them be involved with my care and recovery. Just my .02
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Feb 8, 2015
Long Island, New York, USA
Being in the medical field I know all too well about things like this and sadly to me it seems like it happens way too often. I'm sure you already know but if not I'll say it anyway that if you're not happy with the results, doctor, staff whatever it may be....you as a patient have the right to a 2nd or hell a 3rd opinion regardless of what doctor you'll see to get through this. You need to be happy with the doctor and the care of his/her staff and build that trust in them that they'll do everything in their control to get you 100%.

I had to experience it myself too but with a cardiologist. I stopped going to the one that gave me an absurd diagnosis, went back to my medical doctor and told him how I really felt and then referred me to another cardiologist. It's amazing in just 1 visit and seeing my previous records, he was shocked how it was handled. He sat down with me (and my parents at the time) and explained what was wrong and what the game plan was going to be moving forward to get me back on my feet.

Sorry it's a bit of a rant, but know you're not alone. Hang in there brother!!!! (y)
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Jan 15, 2015
Going in for the MRI on the 7th. They want to do it with and without contrast.

The doctor feels like there is a less than 10% chance of it being cancer. That counts for a lot. We talked about what else could be going on and laid out some plans. I'm feeling better about things, but I'm not counting my chickens yet.


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Jun 3, 2015
Arcadia, IN
I got the final results of my MRI. There is no sign of cancer on my liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, or pancreas.

It appears to be fat and scarring from rapid swings in weight. If I drop about 25 pounds it shouldn't get any worse.
That is some amazing news brother!

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