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Jul 25, 2010
Thanks everyone for being so welcoming, I'm looking forward to learning everything there is to know and enjoying lots of great smokes along the way...

Now down to business:

I'm from Lower Bucks County, Bensalem PA area, nestled snugly between 95 and the turnpike in a wonderland of suburban bliss (i.e. just a few minutes drive from Holt's northeast location)

and...the name "Plastic" is kind of a funny story...I'll try to make it short and sweet, when it is in fact neither:

Years ago in high school I had a friend whose family were farmers, yet his mom filled the house with plastic plants. I found it kind of funny so I mentioned it one night over dinner. This quickly led to a great uproar of laughter around the dinner table when his mom admitted red-faced (but also laughing) that she had privately felt guilty about the plastic plants for years, and it was a great weight off her shoulders to know that everyone in the family recognized the irony and humor of it (as she did) but didn't hold it against her, etc.

Well being really nerdy, my friend and I felt the plastic plants were suffering an injustice by not having a proper taxonomic name, so we assigned them "plasticinium artificiae" (when I said nerdy, I meant *nerdy*) - so for years all plastic plants were referred to, by us, officially as of the species: "plasticinium artificiae"

Years later, in college, when making up an email address...I didnt want "me12345@email.com" so I used "plasticinium" as I was sure no one else in the world would have picked that name. It has since shortened to "plastic" and has really stuck...and the rest is history.

My best friends know "Plastic" is the fantasy me, and represents my fiercely independent, freedom-loving "bad boy" alter ego...the part of me who flirts with women unabashedly, rides my motorcycle, smokes cigars, etc. It's the playboy in me, the part of me that can be the life of the party when I want to, and who doesn't suffer the nagging responsibilities of life in the real world unless absolutely necessary; the part of me who lives it up WAY beyond my means without any semblance of rational restraint, and who seems never to have to pay the piper in the end, or cause drama, or lean on someone else for a bailout or lifeline.

I spent years trying to figure out if "Plastic" was the real me or just that alter ego of mine, eventually coming to the conclusion that the question was absurd as long as everyone was having a good time and no one got hurt. Satisfied with the answer, I am proud to be "Plastic" full time, and have very few regrets...

So...glad to meet you, and my only hope is that knowing me will someday be noted in your "plus" column under special heading, with the knowledge that when it's all tits up and the shit has hit the fan, you can take a deep breath and say to yourself in confidence "at least Plastic is on my side..."

:) Cheers!
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Jun 25, 2010
Fitchburg, MA
Welcome to the forums! I used to live on the western side of PA (New Kensington area). That's a damn nice selection after 2 months!