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Pulled over while carrying?


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Mar 23, 2010
My point is that these are unknowns by the Officer that first approaches you.

The Officer does not know whether you are a law abiding citizen.

They do not know if your the registered owner of the vehicle.

They do not know if you are carrying a weapon concealed unless you tell them or they spot it.

They do not know whether the ID you give them is fake or not (unless it is very obvious)

They do not know that the person driving this car just stole it and the owner has yet to report it.

They do not know what your state of mind is.

They do know that people sometimes are less than truthful.

Until these unknowns are known I would be happy to give up my weapon for the officer's piece of mind.
However I WILL NOT ever give up my cigar!!!

My guess is per capita there are more armed criminals than law abiding citizens.
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May 23, 2009
Again, if I were an officer pulling someone over, knowing that they had a gun, but not knowing anything else about that person or their frame of mind; I'd rather play it safe than sorry despite those statistics!

Just my 2 cents :)
And why should someone who has passed a background check, not a felon, etc be treated any differently than anyone else, just because they are carrying??

There are many ways to kill someone or injure them without a gun. Might as well take everyone out of the car and put in handcuffs if one follows that line of thinking...

With that said, I understand the fear that an inanimate object like a gun can portray and have no issue with the officer asking me to step out and let him disarm me in a respectful fasion if that is what it takes to make them feel better......

Also, if the person is acting

drunk or high

that changes the whole situation and if the latter they will no longer be able to carry.


Rather Be Flying
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Oct 21, 2009
FOB Shank, Afghanistan
I've been pulled over twice as well while carrying. (Texas) Both times I informed the officer as I handed him my license/insurance/CHL and both times the response was the same. "Thank you for informing me. Please just keep your hands where I can see them, and don't make any sudden movements."

I wouldn't blame the officer one bit for disarming me if he did. You've gotta remember these guys are risking their lives every time they pull someone over. It doesn't matter how unassuming you look... every traffic stop could turn ugly fast. I have enough law enforcement friends that I understand this, and don't blame them for not taking lightly the knowledge that I'm armed.

As long as he was professional about it I wouldn't take it personally.
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Jan 16, 2009
Southern Illinois
Good discussion by all. But we don't know either officers side to the initial post and we're guessing.

From where I stand ... the bike stop presents a higher detail of probability with respect to officer safety. I might not have "treated you like a criminal" but my awareness would have definitely been higher due to your proximity to me, the possibility for things to go wrong quickly, a loaded weapon, etc.

The car stop is somewhat safer because it limits your ability to react. That's why "just keep you hands in sight" worked in that situation.

Officer safety is paramount, to me, to my wife and to my family. If I ruffle some feathers once in awhile to stay safe, but still get to go home after my shift -so be it.

Stay safe, stay armed.


Drew Estate Sam
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Apr 6, 2010
West Mifflin PA
I always notify them immediately about the presence of a gun. Give them my License to carry firearms (LTCF) when i produce my drivers license. This has got me out of a few tickets just knowing that if you're not a criminal just having the license, also it never hurts if they like cigars.

Only negative encounter I did have a cop pull me over made me unload my firearm, i kept the loaded mag and put my unloaded gun on my roof. When i told him that if i were a bad guy i could have reloaded the gun without leaving the car and ambushed him. He saw my point and tore my speeding ticket up
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May 6, 2008
San Marcos, TX
I got pulled over for an expired inspection sticker. I totally forgot to tell him about my CHL because I rarely actually carry, just keep it in the truck. The DPS issues the CHL's so he already knew I had one when he pulled me over. Anyway, instead of saying something like "aren't you forgetting something", he asked that I step out, led me over to his car, cuffed me on the hood, shoved me in the back seat and locked his car while he went through my truck. Finally, he came back to his car with a small bottle that I keep some Advil and spare BP pills in. He asked about the little yellow pills and acted like he didn't believe me. Finally another officer arrived, they talked and after one more scolding that he could have my CHL suspended, never to have one again, he let me go with a ticket. I must admit, I should have shown him the CHL along with my DL, but wow, that seemed a little excessive.

Bad Finger

Professional Cannabinist
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Feb 17, 2011
From my experience in life, and the people I've met, having a CCW license doesn't mean you aren't a criminal or won't make bad decisions.

In the case of a LEO pulling someone over after dark, most assume that the driver has been drinking and will instantly assume the driver may make a bad decision (pulling a gun, running, arguing, refusing to submit to a FST, ect).

Better to be safe than dead (can't be sorry without a heartbeat).


Satori's Dad "NTA_Shawn"
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Dec 12, 2010
Pascagoula, MS
In MS we don't have to have a permit to carry a gun in our own vehicles. Our vehicle is an extension of our homes.
I've been pulled over and I just let the cop know, I have a weapon in my truck and its right next to me, just letting you know. He just said "ok, just don't make any moves towards it." He wasn't tripping out on me, he just wanted us to be on the same page.

I used to make is easier on them and just put the gun on the dash when pulled over, then its out in the open.


Never been BoM
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Jan 6, 2008
Kissimmee, FL
I have a good one... I was pulled over several months ago. I have a routine, I drop all my windows, License, reg, proof of insurance and CWP and both hands out the window. This particular time the officer asked where is the firearm, I told him, he told me not to step out of the vehicle, hands on the hood, came around, pulled it out, removed the clip and put the gun on the roof of my car. I couldnt stop looking at my fire arm, thinking, this guy didnt eject the round in the chamber. So He asked me, why I kept looking at my firearm, so I told him, "There is a round in the hole sir..." He seemed a little spooked and was on his way after telling me he wasnt gonna give me a $250 ticket...
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Mar 15, 2011
Katy (Houston) TX
Stop number 1 does seem a little out of line, but you never know what this Police Officer has been through in his career. In his own eyes he may have ever right to react like that, although I hope it is not fear on his part. If so maybe he needs a new career.

What I do when I get pulled over. Roll my window down and keep my hands at 10 and 2 on the wheel. As soon as the officer comes up I tell them I have a gun in the truck/car.
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Jun 25, 2008
DFW area, TX
I've been packing since 1996 or so here in Texas. I've been pulled over MANY times in that period, so many that I can't even count. Usual convo goes like this (before the LEO even gets to the door my CHL/DL/insurance are out of the window and at the ready):

me: Evening/morning, etc.....I am a CHL holder and I'm armed

LEO: Thank you sir, what are you carrying?

(misc. gun chit chat ensues, usually the LEO doesn't even bother going back to their vehicle to run license, write ticket, etc.)

LEO: Well sir, slow it down a bit and have a good night, carry on

me: Thank you sir.

That's usually about it. Only had one cop who didn't seem to like me packing...and this is the one time I wasn't wearing it, it was in the center console...he had me get out of the vehicle while he wrote me a ticket. He was a motorjock, it was 100 degrees++ in Texas in August, I was wearing a suit, I guess he wanted me to share the heat/love....whew....I was sweating!

I'm not going to say that a CHL is a "get out of a ticket/hassle" card, but in my case it seems that the cops I've dealt with tend to relax a bit when you show them your "good guy card."
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Mar 23, 2011
Williamsport, Pa
I've heard 2 sides to how to handle this.

Some say to immediately alert the officer that you have a CCW permit and have a weapon on you.

Others say to not even acknowledge it, just go on with buisness as if it wasn't there.

Personally I have never been pulled over and do not carry to date but am aiming for a Glock 19 this summer, with that said. I imagine the way I would handle the situation would be as follows...

- Pull over
- Turn off vehicle, place keys on roof
- keep hands outside the window
- Tell the officer IMMEDIATELY that I am a CCW holder with a weapon at X location

I just imagine it from their POV, walking up to an unfamiliar vehicle, no idea who the person is, not sure if he will try to flea or stay and take his punishment, and if he is carrying just what he might do with the weapon.


Smoking 50RG Less W/Farai
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Oct 19, 2009
Detroit Rock City
I got pulled over once while carrying. I kindly told the police officer that I have a Michigan CPL and told him my pistol was on me. He smiled and said thank you. He asked me to step out of the vehicle and walk with my hands on my head slowly back to the vehicle. He took my pistol put it in his car and ran my information. I didn't mind it at all because in Michigan they have the right to hold your gun after being pulled over. It was late at night in a bad area and wasn't a big deal to myself or the police officer. No ticket was issued just told me to slow down and have a great evening. I was 23 when this happened.
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May 23, 2009
Just curious,

If you do not have to notify by law, why would you? By doing so you are escalating the situation. If you do not say anything it is just another traffic stop and the cop does not even feel threatened. Once you say I have a gun you just made the cop uncomfortable....


Smoking 50RG Less W/Farai
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Oct 19, 2009
Detroit Rock City
It is the law in Michigan..as soon as your pulled over you have to verbally tell and hand them your permit as soon as they are at your window..you can get arrested for now disclousing that information and esclate the situation..super fast.


Prince Sascha
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Nov 4, 2010
Atlanta, GA
after reading "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell, and living in Oakland (last year we had a small riot over the death of some kid on BART) I believe the police are not trained for lengthy enough periods so that better responses become ingrained. No reason you should have been given the third degree by a cop.

Of course I could be wrong.


BoM March 08
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Jul 25, 2007
The OC
after reading "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell, and living in Oakland (last year we had a small riot over the death of some kid on BART) I believe the police are not trained for lengthy enough periods so that better responses become ingrained. No reason you should have been given the third degree by a cop.

Of course I could be wrong.
Well that cop shot that kid in the back while he was cuffed on the ground. Yeah I would say he was not trained very well.