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Review of a 73-Year-Old Cigar


A Razorback lost in Texas land
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Jan 30, 2021
Ft Worth, TX
1949 Black Gold, by Rothenberg and Schloss
I wanted to take the time and let y’all know something..... today, in honor of D-Day I smoked a 73-year-old cigar, from 1949. In my mind I imagined our nation’s troops, in the years shortly after that war, enjoying a smoke from the good people of Rothenberg and Schloss. But wait, there’s more.... it was good. Really, really damn good. Many thanks to @Nacho Daddy for this gem! Check out the yellow cello!B96C22AF-6C37-4D0C-B44A-0B60D7030C9E.jpeg

Pre-light draw: Sugar and vanilla.
First puffs: Strong vanilla flavor! I honestly thought this might’ve been an infused cigar with vanilla flavoring. That’s how potent the flavor was, truly. Behind the vanilla sugar lied a sweet tobacco and black tea. Tiny hint of saltiness left in its old age, too. Pleasant aroma, excellent draw, and FANTASTIC smoke output.

After the first few puffs, the vanilla went bye-bye and I was left with a very nice earthiness, and just a bit of a rich woody “twang.” Approaching the second third, the mineral or salt note poked its head up a bit more, still hiding behind the sweet and earthy tones. I was very impressed with how well the ash held on. “Must be long filler,” I thought.9E8A5471-5116-499F-878A-B3C86CC90169.jpeg

The second third was announced by a bold dose of hot chili oil, right before the first chunk of ash fell off. Gotta say, I was surprised this septuagenarian’s ash held on as long as it did!4C054B48-6FA6-4B70-AB65-30930A89068F.jpeg

The second third was characterized by a bit more nuttiness, kind of a dark roasted peanut actually. Wow! Interestingly, the sweet vanilla came back in this part of the cigar, hiding behind the nuttiness. The chili oil was still there, faintly, tying it all together. Near the end of the second third, a dark butterscotch flavor started to creep in, but never really came to the forefront. It was gone as soon as I noticed it.

Last third, I tasted mostly coffee and cocoa. Just a hint of pastry sweetness, too. Not even a touch of bitterness as I approached the last inch. At the very end of this great smoke, I tasted some raisin along with the coffee. Very good burn right to the end.64DAE348-F62C-456D-829E-8376F17F2DF5.jpeg

No lie, someone down the road was playing “Taps” on a trumpet as I smoked this cigar. They played it several times over, which made me think it was a neighbor rehearsing for a National Cemetery service. It lended well to the reverence I felt, enjoying a cigar that was rolled a few years before even my parents were born, and so shortly after WWII. Not really sure what I expected from a 73-year-old smoke, but it wasn’t this. Quite honestly, I’ve had new cigars from major labels that didn’t compare to this one. I don’t know the story of the company, or the men and women who worked there, but after tasting this cigar I’m wondering what happened to the good people of Rothenberg and Schloss, and what they might’ve given us if they were still around. This cigar was packed to the brim with pretty bold flavors, and I’m glad I took the time to write this. Hope you enjoyed reading about it!
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Jan 5, 2021
Excellent review on an awesome cigar...I wish I had a palate that sensitive! Even more so, the relationship you described about thinking what was going on in the world at the time that cigar started its journey. That's the way to enjoy a vintage cigar! It's one reason I chose to deal in and collect vintage cigars...there's nothing else like them. I like today's cigars too but a great vintage cigar can't be beat. I will forego any further sales pitching...lol.

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Jan 30, 2017
My cousin still has grandpa's Fury III garaged from the early 70's. Willing to bet I can find one or two of those lost under a seat or stashed over a visor somewhere.
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Jan 25, 2022
This is awesome. Wondering what the "heritage" is of this cigar's life before smoking. Was it in a warehouse in downtown Dallas until 1955, finally sold to Milton Berle, went to Marvin Shanken and then in 2011 was sold at an auction to an individual collector.... etc...

Great photos, thanks for sharing.