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Screens, Balls or Cones for M M Cobs

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Jan 30, 2017
Not sure how many of you smoke cobs but I find with M M just shoving the stem into the bowl a lot of tobacco isn't properly burned. The draw also clogs more often then with briars' typically side drilled draw holes.

I would think screen "balls" take up a lot of space in these small bowls so do you have a preference between flat and tapered screens? Do they improve the burn, or are they just annoying to use?
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Jan 17, 2021
Not sure how many of you smoke cobs but I find with M M just shoving the stem into the bowl a lot of tobacco isn't properly burned. The draw also clogs more often then with briars' typically side drilled draw holes.

I would think screen "balls" take up a lot of space in these small bowls so do you have a preference between flat and tapered screens? Do they improve the burn, or are they just annoying to use?
Myself I just use them as is. Eventually the stem burns away. Occasionally it needs to be poked but I don’t use any screens
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Jan 30, 2017
Thanks, I didn't think much about the extra stem burning away eventually but it makes sense.
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Aug 18, 2019
Central Texas
I mixed up some pipe mud and filled the area around the sides to keep the tobacco getting stuck there, I’ve never use or seen the need for a screen. Cobs have a very open draw but I don’t notice any tobacco getting pulled through any more than any other pipe.