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Still around , just moving SLOW

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Sep 13, 2014
Wow ! Sorry to hear about the relapse ! Glad you're back on track !!
Take it slow, take it easy, and good luck with the therapy ! (y)


<b>Charity Liaison</b><br>BoM September 07
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Dec 18, 2005
Aiken SC
Lil Update guys ,Wow feels allot better. I'm getting more mobility each day, and my walks around the house is doing better , (getting used to one step,on foot at a time) ......
Nurse has come to the house twice , changed the bandages and said things r looking go, PT has been here couple times, said I'm make good progress (this PT to me isn't moving fast eneogh) Thoses that know ME , "I want it KNOW" and keep moving to next TASK , So needless to say I'm learning to slow down...........

Thanks again for all the well wishes , they Truly help .....(y)


<b>Charity Liaison</b><br>BoM September 07
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Dec 18, 2005
Aiken SC
Had a Doc appt yesterday, news was good , the Doc and her team was very happy with what they saw in the X-rays, They shows everything was still in place and where it should be , Doc took me off all meds (I was taken quite a cocktail of drugs, pain management, blood clots and a few other things for internal stuff ). (Thank god Hate taken all that crap, Its TRUE Those Opioids can screw with ur system, let alone get u Hooked )

So today I start putting some lite weight on the left leg 25% each weeks , still have my brace for another 6 weeks (me and this Brace r becoming as ONE) , PT will still be coming to the house couple time a weeks , I have been saying all along, I getting stronger each day , still along way to go, but I’m determined to get back to normal and beat this .......

On a side note , I have gain a Hell of a Respect for "Care Givers" Not because she is my lady, cuz there's allot of things I can't or couldn't do when I started this advenure, She had to change her life to fit into what I needed, And the timing wasn't always good. As I get stronger and able to do more on my own, Her life is slowly getting back to normal, My Sister is coming out from OR in a few weeks and Sending my lady on a 2 week vacation ( what a rock star she is , Thinking maybe I'll keep her around )

Still not smoking or having a cocktails yet, going to give it a couple more weeks, I'm still checking in on U guys, Staying Strong, and one step at a time .......(y)


<b>Charity Liaison</b><br>BoM September 07
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Dec 18, 2005
Aiken SC
Got some GREAT news yesterday from the Doc. I can dump this "F"ing Brace, transition from a Walker to a Cane, and start Outpatient Physical Therapy along with Aqua Therapy .... Still have a ways to go till I'm 100%, but I'll be 110% for the HBH next year 2019......

I tell this has been the longest 3 month of my life, I have cabin fever so bad, I've had some pretty rough days
Mentally, Being Pissed off, Angry, Depressed that things were moving So damn slow, (this is a long way from my personality) I tell ya when the team of Doc's all came in the room told me how good I was doing and that we could move on to the next phase. I lost it right there man , crying like a Baby , needles to say I was very happy to hear the news.......it will be great to finaly get away from this house. And yes had my 1st smoke in 4 month last nite. OMG it was great.

The BigDawg is still in the fight, just a lil slower .......(y)
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