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Stink eye

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Sep 29, 2017
North Carolina
Question for my cigar etiquette aficionados out there. Do you ever get strange looks when you’re smoking in public or at an event? At a concert two nights ago and at a friend’s 4th party today I was given the proverbial stink eye (as were my fellow smokers). We definitely kept ourselves at a distance. When is too much stink eye too much and how do you handle it without offending friends’ wives?
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May 21, 2017
Just my 2 pesos:
At a concert two nights ago
Was smoking allowed at the concert? If yes, and you (as you said) kept your distance/weren't deliberately blowing smoke on someone... then they can take their stink-eye and shove it. Situations like that automatically make whatever I'm smoking taste much better. Also make me want to have another one.

friend’s 4th party today
I'd say this is your friends call. If they're cool with it, then see above. If you think they personally are cool with it, but it's putting them in a bad spot with their wife/GF, then I'd clip it and enjoy the party without a smoke.
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Sep 29, 2017
North Carolina
Some wives just won’t tolerate it. Others will join in sometimes. Depends on the situation. I’m learning to be selective with certain friends about when/where I smoke. Concert had a smoking area and we obeyed all the rules. At the end of the day we got a laugh out of the situation.
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Feb 4, 2015
Wow, I think I may have heat stroke... For a minute I was thinking, "well, yeah, I'd kind or expect it at a 4 year Olds party....."
LOL, I smoked at a kid's bday party (a 4th bday I think) a couple years ago and didn't really get any stink eye - just about everyone there knew me though, so they expected me to have a cigar in hand at some point.

That said, I think size matters in this discussion - a petite corona is pretty incognito, everyone knows you're having a smoke but nobody pays much attention. It's small and inoffensive, almost looks like a cigarette. You bust out a 7 inch Churchill or some 6x60 monster though, people's eyes are drawn to it - not just the stink eyes, everyones eyes. Random people will tell you that it's a large cigar. They will ask what you're celebrating. Someone will ask if it's a Cuban. You'll also get a lot more stink eyes than you would with a pc. The bigger your cigar, the more it will bother them. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I think there's some Freudian psychology at work when non-cigar people see someone with a large cigar...


Glass Gars Guns Garden
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Aug 27, 2017
North East Tennessee
Well, the aroma is a lot stronger to those who aren't smoking than the people who are. And sometimes it can be pretty objectionable. Like Jamie, I try to have smaller ones for those occasions, give a good amount of space, and stay upwind as much as possible. Just being considerate. I've thought of trying to find some cigars with the least bothersome aromas for those occasions. Hard to tell when you're smoking it, but I know some are far better than others.. I think I read somewhere that used to be the whole selling point of Don Diego.


Brandon | BotM Jan 2038
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Jul 28, 2016
Northwest Arkansas
I am not a person that needs a cigar to have fun/enjoy myself. Therefore, I only smoke cigars when I'm:
  • at my house
  • at cigar shops / herfs
  • at a friend's house but only if they are also smoking cigars at the same time as me
  • outdoors in a very, very open environment (camping, fishing, golfing, etc.)

As a cigar smoker, I try to be extremely considerate to those around me. Maybe I'm too considerate, but I certainly don't want to add to any kind of stigmata that cigar smokers already have.


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
I'll smoke in social situations if I can find a way to do it where I'm relatively sure the smoke won't offend anyone. (I don't care if a tobacco Nazi is offended by the fact that I have the audacity to smoke cigars on principle though). If I'm unsure I can accomplish that, I'll just wait to light up.
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Apr 25, 2018
I am not a person that needs a cigar to have fun/enjoy myself. Therefore, I only smoke cigars when I'm:
  • at my house
  • at cigar shops / herfs
  • at a friend's house but only if they are also smoking cigars at the same time as me
  • outdoors in a very, very open environment (camping, fishing, golfing, etc.)

As a cigar smoker, I try to be extremely considerate to those around me. Maybe I'm too considerate, but I certainly don't want to add to any kind of stigmata that cigar smokers already have.
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Mar 17, 2012
I always make a point to be considerate, but I also always want to ask the easily offended in public "if this was pot, would you be that offended?" Honestly, the shame police can take a flying leap. Problem is, I am too polite and usually slink away somewhere.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk


Nerf herder
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Apr 2, 2015
Since there are no lounges anywhere near me I pretty much exclusively smoke at home. My family is used to it now though, and don’t care. It’s to the point now my kids ask me why I’m not smoking if I’m outside. I do usually smoke when I take a walk with my wife, and I’ll occasionally get the stink eye, but at that point I don’t give a damn. If it’s an outdoor event, and smoking is allowed I’d say screw it, and enjoy it all the more. I really only have one friend I would smoke at their house, but he would join in. As for at anyone else’s place I’d probably pass and enjoy myself without a cigar.

Now public places like campgrounds I always say it’s fair game, and usually enjoy more than one.