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Megan the Great
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Sep 14, 2008
"Paradise" City, Mexico
Hey, my name is Megan, most people call me Meg.
I've been into cigars since i was practically born, my dad always smoked cigars when ever there was a special occasion, or when ever his friends were over the house, but i never really learned much 'bout them except that every time my dad light a cigar i would stick by him just for the smell, these amazing smells and so exotic but at the same time they weren't exotic... since then i found a great passion in cigars, learning on my own with different types of cigars but never really payed much attention to the different tastes and smells they had, there for, my boy friend is into cigars too, but he knows a lot more 'bout them and so then he taught me how to find the various tastes and smells a cigar can have, even by the smoke.

So, every time we have a special occasion to celebrate we smoke a cigar together xD.

Anyways... that's my introduction to the "cigar".
They are many interests i have... like;
I Love reading, i think it's a very good way to escape reality once in a while, but also i like the adventures that are included and i just love the way you can imagine your own scenery and just "let it be" the way you want it, also i love listening music, it just brings me to a different stage, i think it's a great inspiration for me (so much that i started playing the drums xD), I love suspense movies, i think they are so awesome! And... i love designing clothes, i actually wanna study fashion design and what else... Oh! I like belly dancing, i feel very "free" when ever i belly dance, its just many other ways to express your body language, i think, and what like the most is drawing or painting, either or, it's something that comes naturally to me, i love using different colors, combination's,just the simple fact of a creation of "something" i thinks that's all-me.

And well, my personality is colored in pink and beautiful colors where every one is smiling blah, blah, blah... HELL'S NO! I hate color pink! and hell no not everything is beautiful and a lot of people don't get that sometimes life is crappy, some times, but hey! what can you do... that's what makes life so exciting too!, though i must say i do love Kurt's Cobain phrase "Life is sh*t and the you die" it's so genius, i hope you guys are getting a clear pic of kind of person i am, i'm no "Fe fe" person, i can suck up to a lot of things and i can go through them, not easy but at the end i know it was worth it, thats the kind of girl i am.

You can't take life too seriously, chillax! nothing's gonna happen, theres solution to everything... i think, hehehe.

Well... i don't have anything else to say except, have nice day, night, what ever pleases you.
Have a good one mate's,

"Megan the Great"