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Temp Storage Experiment

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Jun 13, 2020
Okay, so not really having a great handle on the whole cigar storage issue I decided to conduct an experiment while I research my options. Knowing finances will have a big say in the outcome the thought of buying a wine fridge is pretty much out of the equation for now. Besides the purpose of the test wasn't for a long term final solution just something that I could keep a few cigars in so I don't always need to visit the local shop when I wanted one.

The first test I am running consists of a ziplock freezer one gallon bag with Boveda 65% packs. Granted not fancy it but isn't the point anyway. The cigars were purchased at the end of November 2019 and not wanting to sacrifice some good cigars I decided what could it hurt if I used some kind of dog rocket, I mean how bad could they be? Enter a bundle of JR Alternative CAO Maduro Toro's.

Famous last words as they say. I know I said short term storage and we are talking well over 7 months but I can't figure out the taste of these things. I tried a couple in December and one or two since but I just finished one and the whole time all I could think about was it either tasted of some medical antiseptic or the bottom of the ash tray. Having never had a JR Alternative I was not sure what to expect, perhaps someone can explain to me why they taste like they do or if it is just me, I can't believe that any chemical from the plastic would leech out as they are food storage bags. Of course never having had a CAO Maduro Toro maybe the name brand tastes the same and they are just not for me. They actually seem to be hydrated properly, and they don't feel like a tumbleweed so I think the bag and Boveda is doing what I set out to prove to myself. Maybe I should attempt to dissect one to see if there is any other than what is supposedly tobacco inside.

I guess my questions at this point are:

1.) Do these things taste as they do because of being in a ziplock for so long, or is it just because they aren't worth the money even for experimentation?

2.) How long is too long when it comes to keeping cigars in ziplocks?

If you read this far, Thanks!



I don't smoke cigars often... HaHa just kidding :)
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Dec 12, 2019
Lake Mary, FL
As long as cigars are kept at the proper humidity I don't think it matters much if it's a ziplock, tupadors or winador. I keep cigars in all 3 and couldn't tell a difference.

I keep the cheapest in the ziplocks and I rarely smoke them but as long as there is a healthy boveda in there they smoke fine. While I think it's safer to keep cigars especially premium ones under 70 degrees in my wino's I haven't had any issues with the cigars in my tupadors or ziplocks witch get up to 76.
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Apr 27, 2020
I think your spot on in identifying the ziplock bag as an issue.
1- yes to both concerns. The plastic bag isn’t the best, and it’s tough to get a good meal out of crappy ingredients (bad cigars will always be bad)
2- If it were me, no longer than a week in the baggie.

An easy fix...
Get an all wood cigar box as your container, then put that in the baggie (lid closed) with the Boveda outside of it.

I have a large cabinet humidor For the stuff that I am smoking regularly and 2 large white coolers to hold the boxes I’m aging. Hands down the best storage that I have ever had are these
I lined the bottom and one side wIth spanish cedar planks, and used heartfelt beads for humi.
But I only store the cigars in boxes. Great seal, just store in a location that the temp variation is reasonable.

Just like the leaf it’s self, there is a transfer of flavor that the cigar will pick up after time. Which is the issue when the sit exposed in a ziplock bag.
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Jun 13, 2020
Good ideas to try, so I thank all for the feedback. I know I'm to cheap to just chuck these things out so somehow I will probably finish off the last 15 of these el garbargo pseudo cigar things and in the meantime procure a cigar box.

But even if the box is closed and the Boveda is outside the box while in a bag they will stay humidified?
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Jan 30, 2017
IF I may suggest that an "experiment" would have you smoke a fresh one and one from the baggie at the same time to see if there are any differences. To further investigate you could have a friend store one properly in a well seasoned humidor for the same amount of time, basically smoke three cigars. A fresh from the factory cigar, a baggie cigar and a properly stored cigar.

\What temperature did you store the baggie cigar? Since you can't afford proper cooling at this time you could double or triple wrap the baggie cigar and store in your refrigerator to see if your room's temperature caused a problem.

Some cigars simply taste better fresh ROTT and others just never taste good.
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Apr 18, 2020
i used an old cigar box inside a ziploc bag with a boveda for years and didn't have any issues. those JR cigars are ~2 bucks each, my guess is they are the problem. :LOL: some cheap but decent brands i've enjoyed are tatuaje tattoo, ramon bueso genesis, and drew estate nica rustica. cbid is your friend and mortal enemy.
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Apr 27, 2020
Yea, your humidification will be fine.
The wood helps regulate the humidity fluctuation.

The trick when adding wood is to wipe it down with a damp cloth before you start. You’d be adding a little moisture to the dry wood that way. Just need to do it once.
In truth, this is more for long term storage to.
If your smoking through everything in a few months or so it may not be that big of an issue.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Orrrr....buy a 2.5 gallon Tupperware @ Walmart for $10... throw some 65% Bovedas with scrap cedar....as good as any humidor out there if you want to go cheap. That size Tupperware will hold 150 cigars but fill it 80%.
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Jul 20, 2012
Honestly, grab a medium sized cooler throw Boveda packs in the and it will hold rock solid. I have mine in a closet with a few Boxes and it’s 67* and 68%. I grabbed it out of the garage, i never really used it, done. I’m going to build something large for our next house, but for now, it cost me nothing and it works really well.

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