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Tired of being out of shape


Closer To The Sun
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Feb 2, 2015
Key West
OP, if you can afford it, I would highly recommend getting a gym membership instead of getting a Bowflex. Too many people get these "all-in-one" home gyms and end up getting lazy after using it a few times. When you're at home and have the option of relaxing, or working out, it's too easy to get tempted into putting off exercise.

As it sounds like you're a fitness newbie, I'm going to recommend baby steps here.
Find a weight lifting workout program online and STICK TO IT.

For a complete beginner, I'm going to recommend not using MyFitnessPal. I think it's too easy to get overwhelmed with weighing food and tracking calories/macros especially when you're just starting off and it's easy to get discouraged. Just make an effort to cut out shitty foods from your diet. No more sodas. Keep the sugary juices to a minimum. Drink LOTS of water. Eat smaller portions. Stop snacking on junk food - snack on fruit, protein shakes, nuts, etc. As long as you're consistently hitting the gym and making an effort to eat healthier, I guarantee you will lose weight and get stronger within a few months.

Results take time. Don't expect to lose a bunch of weight overnight.

One more thing.

Find your inner drive that motivates you to keep you going. That's up to you to figure out what that is. On days where you wake up feeling lazy and decide you're going to skip a workout, think about why you're doing it all to help light a fire under your ass.
I agree with the majority of this but I have to go the other way on a few things. I think the app is a 100% must if your serious about losing weight or getting in shape. With the help of that app and some discipline I was losing an average of 10 lbs a month. Before that I had honestly never counted a calorie or paid attention to nutrient intake, ever. Theres a bit of a learning curve and it takes getting used to but once you get the hang of it theres no better way to keep track of everything IMO.
I can only vouch for myself but I also workout at home. Personally Im not a fan of Bowflex but I see nothing wrong with working out at home if your the type of person that can stay committed. I'd recommend a simple bench rack that you can raise up to do squats and a couple dumbbells. Run the Stronglifts 5x5 program and watch the muscle build while the weight falls off.


Smoke it if ya got it!
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Feb 2, 2015
St. Louis MO
Get a good elliptical machine and commit to it every day even if it's only 15min a day. There very low impact easy on the knees! Good luck! I needed to get in shape so I became a tree trimmer lol


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
I need to get my oversized ass back into shape as well...

I have no aspirations of ever being in the kind of shape I was when I was in my mid 20's to mid 30's... I dont have the time, or commitment level for that anymore..

but there is no reason I cant drop 25 lbs, and actually be reasonably fit for my age... I've just got to get off my ass and do it..

Now that the weather has gotten a little better.. Im going to try to get out and do some light jogging 3-4 times a week... and try to start hitting the gym a couple of times a week as well..

My wife signed my fat ass up for another half marathon.. Ive got time to train for it (its not until January 2016)... but... when youre as old, overweight, and broke down as I am (bad knee, bad ankle, bad back).. Ive got to take training slow and easy in order to avoid injury..

My plan is to be 25 lbs lighter by race day, and be able to finish the run in 3 hours (wont be setting any land speed records.. but that would require me to maintain a sub 14 minute mile for 13.1 miles.... at my current age, fitness level, weight, etc.. that would be accomplishment enough for me..


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Feb 1, 2014
Wouldn't you like to know, IL
I need to get my oversized ass back into shape as well...

I have no aspirations of ever being in the kind of shape I was when I was in my mid 20's to mid 30's... I dont have the time, or commitment level for that anymore..

but there is no reason I cant drop 25 lbs, and actually be reasonably fit for my age... I've just got to get off my ass and do it..

Now that the weather has gotten a little better.. Im going to try to get out and do some light jogging 3-4 times a week... and try to start hitting the gym a couple of times a week as well..

My wife signed my fat ass up for another half marathon.. Ive got time to train for it (its not until January 2016)... but... when youre as old, overweight, and broke down as I am (bad knee, bad ankle, bad back).. Ive got to take training slow and easy in order to avoid injury..

My plan is to be 25 lbs lighter by race day, and be able to finish the run in 3 hours (wont be setting any land speed records.. but that would require me to maintain a sub 14 minute mile for 13.1 miles.... at my current age, fitness level, weight, etc.. that would be accomplishment enough for me..
With all you've accomplished in your life DaVe, I see you meeting and exceeding your goals.


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Jul 20, 2014
Gahanna, OH
So just a quick status update since my original post. I've been doing the Atkins diet, and eating low carb (as low as I can get away with) and I'm happy to say I've burned 15.2lbs, and I'm down to 192.8 from my peak at 208. I'm starting to notice the physical changes in my body (and gut) as well as the numbers on the scale. At this point, I'm going to stay in the induction phase and try and do another 30 days of this. If I can get down to 180 then I think i'll drop out of induction and start slowly reintroducing carbs. The last thing I want to do is eat stupid and gain it all back.
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Apr 21, 2015
Carbs are a great thing just remember there are good and bad carbs. Just watch how your body reacts to them then go from there
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Jul 23, 2013
Nice job brother! Be careful, most people who lose weight because of drastic diets like Atkins quickly put all the weight, plus some, back on when they go off the diet and back to what they think is "normal" eating. Eating healthy and moderate exercise is a life style and not a quick fix! Keep it up!


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Jul 20, 2014
Gahanna, OH
Yeah once I get to goal weight and stop atkins, I'm going to go into calorie counting mode and just try and keep things at a 'maintain' level. Theres no way I can eat like I used to and not expect to gain it back. The funny thing is, it hasnt really been that drastic a change, mostly I just cut out all the sugars and startches. I do look forward to some bread fruit again though at some point.
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Mar 18, 2015
Keep it up!
It's important to share your progress and reward yourself for accomplishments. That is what will push you to keep going!

I recommend looking into p90x3. I've done several rounds of it and for only 30 minutes a day, you get great results. (as well as diet maintenance)
My schedule is insane so a 30 min workout at home is easy to squeeze in.


Closer To The Sun
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Feb 2, 2015
Key West
Congrats on the progress!

My 2 cents and you can take it FWIW, forget about Atkins. Your better off counting your calories and hitting a 50/30/20 macro split. Hit those numbers and you'll build muscle while the fat melts off, "noob gains" as some would call it. The whole carbs are bad mentality Atkins tends to breed in people is horrible. Plus if your not counting your calories and making sure your eating at a deficit then your results will be slow and inconsistent. It really doesn't matter if its protein, carbs, or fats if your getting a caloric surplus you won't lose weight. If you really want the best results you have to know how much your eating and pair it with the right macro split to help achieve it. Don't mean to come off the wrong way I'm just speaking from experience. I was able to get from 195 down to 165 in about 12 weeks doing what I mentioned above.
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Feb 16, 2015
Pittsburgh, PA
So I guess I'm posting here because I need a good kick in the ass to get me started, and keep me going. I'm 34 years old, 5'10" and 204lbs. I'm tired of feeling fat, and my acid reflux issues are just killing me. I was always skin and bones growing up, but after my dad died, I put on 30lbs in a year, and I look like I'm about 9 months pregnant with my gut, which is where most of my weight sits. And I just plain dont feel good anymore. I've got to do something.

I've got bad knees (runners knee) , so high impact stuff hurts. I can't run, but I do like to ride the bike. I've got a stationary bike that i'm going to try and spend some regular time on. I'm thinking about maybe buying a bowflex to try and help boost my metabolism, but I need some advice, encouragement, and support to get through this. My target weight is 150/160, and I'm hoping that if I can get down to that, that maybe JUST MAYBE my reflux issues will calm down - I never had them before I put the weight on.

How many of you have been where I am, and do you have any advice? I'm trying to watch what I eat and track calories using my fitness pal, but I could use some words of wisdom and encouragement. I'm tired of feeling sick.
How are you doing with this?? Original post was back in Jul 2014. Just curious.


The Thing
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Sep 11, 2014
Lebanon, OH
Lots of good advice above and im going to echo some of it but honestly the majority of this is going to be tough love whether you like it or not and I mean it with the utmost respect.

To Start, My chick and I have been exactly where you are. Two and a half years ago we were both overweight, out of shape and eating like crap every single day. (I am 5'7" and weighed 170lbs. I hover around 135 now)

How did we fix it? We changed our diet and started exercising. Pretty crazy right? One of my favorite questions I get asked by people I haven't seen in a while is "OMG You lost so much weight!?!? How did you do it????" My response, I started eating healthy and exercising 6 days a week.... they are always somehow shocked by this response, "oh..." ughh yeah, hate to break it to you but there are no short cuts and not magic bullets with this one. If you want it you have to earn it.

Yes its hard, you will be sore, your are going to crave junk food and I still do now. But if you are are serious about wanting to get in shape you have to quit being lazy and stop making excuses and just do it. NO ONE can do it for you, it is hard, it is work but only you can do it. I tell people there are plenty of days I come home after spending 12+ hours at two jobs and I still exercise and eat a healthy meal before KO'ing and doing it all over again. Is this an extreme case? Yes, but my point being is if you want something bad enough you will make it happen. Even on my off days from my night job there are few things I would like more than to come home kick off my shoes and relax with a cold beer and a nice cigar but I don't make exercise optional and do it anyway as soon as I walk in the door just to get it over with. Because I know that in the same time I could spend dicking around on youtube and smoking a cigar I would have gotten an ass kicking work out in and been done for the night.

With that said, if you can only do one or the other Diet vs Exercise I say change your diet. I should specify there is no "Diet" that will work for you it is a lifestyle regardless of how cliche that may be. You cannot selectively change you diet and expect things to just happen, its all or nothing, you just need to start eating healthy end of story. I am not saying you can never have another soda or cheeseburger what I am saying that you have to earn them and honestly if you commit the time and effort in the gym you will not want to reverse all that hard work for a few minutes of mouth pleasure. I think the occasional cheat meal it totally healthy both physically and mentally and for me personally those cheat meals drive me to work that much harder the rest of the week. But I think you will find once you start eating healthy you will not be craving as much if any of the junk you were consuming before just because of how good you will feel eating real food.

As far as exercise is concerned if you have bad knees but do ok on a bike, do it, do what ever it is that you want and will continue to do. If you hate a workout you are probably not going give your all and you most certainly wont stick with it. I used to think yoga was the stupidest shit on the planet and as someone who also suffers from two bad knees I absolutely love it now. It is basically zero impact, static exercise combined with stretching. Honestly if I could only do one exercise the rest of my life it would be yoga and that is coming from a beer drinking, cigar smoking, ex race car mechanic. Thankfully I am still able to do higher impact stuff but you are going to have to humble yourself to do this so don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new you just might be surprised.

This is going to sound silly but the tipping point for me was my chick making me watch a documentary on netflix called fat, sick and nearly dead. If you need any motivation at all, watch that movie. The truck driver in that movie (I think his name is phil staples) is the most inspirational mofo on the fkn planet to me. Once I saw the transformation he went through I decided enough was enough and if he could do it I have zero excuses. And literally from that day forward everything changed I wish I could tell that guy how much he has impacted my life because he literally inspired me to do a 180. We did the juice thing for a while about 3 months to be exact before switching to an all around healthy diet of lean meat, and lots of veggies. But in those 3 months of drinking juice twice a day everyday we lost over 70 pounds between the two of us without even starting exercising. Once that happened it was game on an we haven't stopped since.

Honestly anyone can do it, you just gotta put in the work, if you really care about yourself and your future you will make some changes and stick with them this cannot be a temporary thing. Lastly if you need some extra motivation or have any questions at all or just wanna talk about this pm me, call me whatever and we can talk about this.

As far as diet is concerned googling lean recipes is a good place to start, print out anything that sounds good and make a binder full of recipes and just toss the ones you dont like.

We cook from here quite a bit Dolce Diet and everything its pretty tasty and obviously not bad for you.

As far as exercise is concerned we started with P90x did it non stop for over a year and a half before giving insanity a try, I thought insanity was too high impact and brought on knee discomfort for me so I went back to p90x for another few rounds. Now I have moved on to kettle bells which I currently love and have been doing keith webers extreme cardio kettle bell workouts a few times a week and get my ass kicked and they are also pretty low impact but do incorporate a lot of squats.

Also if you are going to juice, my advise is just put in EVERYTHING don't juice for taste you can chug that ish anyway. We would literally go to the farmers market every saturday spend 60 bucks and get enough produce for the both of us to juice twice a day everyday that entire week and we would literally make a pitcher of juice containing.... Kale, Carrots, brocoli, ginger, tomatoes, oranges, apples, beets, celery, spinnach, cilantro, parsley, berries, bok choi whatever looked good. One secret I will say is ADD LEMON. Lemon is an important one because at least for me it cuts the green taste down dramatically.
This is fantastic advice and actually you have inspried me to do the same. My one question to you is do you cut out alcohol completely? I enjoy cigars and drinking with my cigars.
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Aug 29, 2013
Southern California
This is fantastic advice and actually you have inspried me to do the same. My one question to you is do you cut out alcohol completely? I enjoy cigars and drinking with my cigars.
awesome man if you need any extra motivation or have any questions at all shoot me a PM whenever you like.

I did cut out booze temporarily, basically the whole time I did juice (just shy of 3 months) and then probably the majority of the first 3 months of exercise. I think this made exercising and recovery a lot easier to be honest. Alcohol is just terrible for your body physically and mentally (generally speaking :) ) and I honestly think removing the additional strain of booze at least in the beginning makes the food and exercise that much easier to start. I do drink again now so don't think this has to be an end all be all but I don't drink heavily and only one or two nights a week if that. And its usually when I have time to actually sit down and enjoy a smoke. Honestly I think you should always do what you enjoy but do so in moderation. I have at least one good cheat day a week on food and its usually something grilled up with a few beers on the weekend. But really think its healthy both mentally and physically to indulge and enjoy life as well as work hard to preserve it. You only have one shot at this, might as well enjoy it right? Plus for me its added motivation to work hard the rest of the week so I can do it again haha.

Good luck man, like I said if you need anything at all im just a PM away. And one thing I always tell people when their starting out again is to just go at it one day at a time. Make good choices and make your time count, it all adds up. Plus if you can do one day, you can do two right? if you can do two then you can...

Just dont stop and it will all pay off in the end I promise.
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Aug 29, 2013
Southern California
I'm down from 208 down to 192 as of this morning :) It's going well.
Hell yeah! keep grinding man you will get there!

Awesome man!!!
I need to jump in. I'm 6'4" 270 and very little muscle. Lol
Do it man! How about you start a BOTL Weight loss challenge? Maybe you can inspire a few more people to make a positive change for the rest of your lives?
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Jun 2, 2013
Excelsior, MN
Congrats on the progress!

My 2 cents and you can take it FWIW, forget about Atkins. Your better off counting your calories and hitting a 50/30/20 macro split. Hit those numbers and you'll build muscle while the fat melts off, "noob gains" as some would call it. The whole carbs are bad mentality Atkins tends to breed in people is horrible. Plus if your not counting your calories and making sure your eating at a deficit then your results will be slow and inconsistent. It really doesn't matter if its protein, carbs, or fats if your getting a caloric surplus you won't lose weight. If you really want the best results you have to know how much your eating and pair it with the right macro split to help achieve it. Don't mean to come off the wrong way I'm just speaking from experience. I was able to get from 195 down to 165 in about 12 weeks doing what I mentioned above.
There is quite a bit of truth in what is being said here ^^^.

I did Kinesiology as undergrad and that included a ton of nutrition, physiology and anatomy classes. The straight up fact of weight loss is that you have to burn more calories than you consume. Reason being, your body breaks down your food into many different things which include; sugars (need them for your body to operate), fats, proteins etc. and if you consume extra calories, than your body will "store" them as future energy in fat cells. There is so much more that goes into it, but that is a 1-2 sentence breakdown.

Scientists have forever argued over how many calories you have to burn in order to lose 1lb of fat. They use to say 3500 and have in recent years agreed to disagree on what that number is. However, there is no denying the fact that weight loss is all driven by one simple formula…… calories burned > calories consumed. There are a ton or diets out there that target different people based on their "weaknesses". If you are a big carb eater, than Atkins would target you. If you enjoy eating highly processed foods, theres the caveman diet. I think what your doing is phenomenal, don't sell yourself short on any LB that you lose. Losing weight is one of the most difficult, disciplined things to do in the world (thats why its a BILLION dollar industry). When you make the switch off Atkins, I agree that you should keep very good track of your calories. Also, if you don't already know, research the difference in carbs. Some are easier to break down for your body, and will less likely get stored as fat. Other take longer and are more likely to end up on your tummy.

This goes for anyone, I am fairly serious when it comes to work outs and different conditioning. If there is anything I can do for anyone, do not hesitate to shoot me a PM. I will try my best to explain things, help with dietary advice and more so I can help with different exercises. I use to have a personal training certificate, so I can help a little there. Due to liability, there will be things I just cannot do, like write people programs and what not.

I hope some of this helps and congratulations on your success so far!!!