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Upmann Petit Corona.......

Nacho Daddy

Irrepressibly Irreverent Inveterate Ignominy
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Jul 17, 2009
The other day I saw someone bemoaning the death of Upmann PCs.
Upmann still makes the Corona Major tubo and the Regalias, both of which are the same size, and both are less $$ than the PC would be.
I have the Corona Major and Regalias, and they both are excellent cigars.
Get a box for yourself, or several, these Upmanns represent a real value in CCs right now.
By summer they will have increased in price at least 5%.
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Oct 30, 2017
I've definitely got the Coro Major on my list, after reading up lots of similar suggestions like yours. I enjoyed the Regalias and Majestic, which seem to be a little more rustic and less refined as a Connie No 1 (not sure how those compare to PC since I haven't had a PC).
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Feb 2, 2017
I've been looking at those Coronation Majors ever since I smoked the one you sent me. I thought it was absolutely fantastic, and after learning how inexpensive they are it's a no brainer!

Nacho Daddy

Irrepressibly Irreverent Inveterate Ignominy
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Jul 17, 2009
stop looking.
start buying.
I agree the Major starts a bit rustic, but it is a tubo, and therefore will not age as fast.
I think an extra year might be enough to sweeten them up........
My PC boxes are doing well, I went a bit crazy when I heard of plans to discontinue them.
Big mistake,IMO.
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Aug 18, 2005
Chicago NW burbs
The Upmann No. 4 was one of the best PC Habanos had and of course discontinued in 2002. I smoked one almost every day for years. It ruined me for other Upmann PCs, not even close. For me the PC and Regalios are bland, the Regalios in particular. I've never tried the other one mentioned though I can't imagine it would be much better.


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Sep 29, 2014
Mooresville, IN
stop looking.
start buying.
I agree the Major starts a bit rustic, but it is a tubo, and therefore will not age as fast.
I think an extra year might be enough to sweeten them up........
My PC boxes are doing well, I went a bit crazy when I heard of plans to discontinue them.
Big mistake,IMO.

1st off thanks for the info, 2nd why would you say that it was a big mistake? I Bought a box when I heard they were being disco as well, and I wish I'd bought more, they are so good. I may have missed it, but what are your thoughts on Majestics?

Nacho Daddy

Irrepressibly Irreverent Inveterate Ignominy
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Jul 17, 2009
Majestics and Hoyo Palmas are a staple in my rotation.
Both are excellent and have been really reliable to me for the last few years.
I prefer a smaller stick, and the length on these is also a plus.
You could probably call this size Panatela.
Prices are attractive too.

"2nd why would you say that it was a big mistake? "

The mistake was to discontinue them.
sorry for the dangling participle.


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Sep 29, 2014
Mooresville, IN
Majestics and Hoyo Palmas are a staple in my rotation.
Both are excellent and have been really reliable to me for the last few years.
I prefer a smaller stick, and the length on these is also a plus.
You could probably call this size Panatela.
Prices are attractive too.

"2nd why would you say that it was a big mistake? "

The mistake was to discontinue them.
sorry for the dangling participle.
Thanks brother......yeah, wish i went a bit deeper on them as well, same with Du Prince.....ugh!
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May 11, 2013
stop looking.
start buying.
I agree the Major starts a bit rustic, but it is a tubo, and therefore will not age as fast.
I think an extra year might be enough to sweeten them up........
My PC boxes are doing well, I went a bit crazy when I heard of plans to discontinue them.
Big mistake,IMO.
You can get the Upmann CM for $130 which is still a good deal. I think the last two boxes I bought were $110. For the last 3 years I thought they were my little secret. It wasn’t uncommon to get sent a box with 2 yrs age on them. If you get a good box they taste like the first cousin to the Connie 1. But I think the secret is out and I expect the price to jump to the $140 to $150 range. If you can find them for $120 I say grab 3 boxes and you from 2021 will thank the you from 2019 that was so smart. One disclaimer, the 2016 boxes look like maduros and imo don’t taste that great.
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Feb 1, 2016
I just cracked an LUB ABR 14 box of HUPCs, I love them. The handful of Majors and young Majestics didn't get me excited enough to buy a box. I've smoked through a box and a half of 07 Majestics that are real good. I haven't tried the Regalias yet.