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Villiger 1888 Selection


I <3 Eric.
Rating - 100%
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Mar 20, 2009
Salt Lake City
By: Brandon
Cigar Review – ‘Villiger 1888 Selection’
Size: Short Robusto (4.02x50)
Wrapper: Ecuador
Binder: Dominican Republic
Filler: Dominican Republic
Drink: Water

I was gifted this cigar by a friend also the owner of my local tobacconist
(Tinder Box, Murray, Utah).

From what I understand this is Villigers first handmade long filler cigar. It is named 1888 to celebrate the founding of the company in said year. Villiger is most known for producing those little dry cured gems in the white wrappers.

Pre-Light inspection:
Smells slightly of honey and cocoa, there is no noticeable ammonia smell. Visually it’s a very attractive cigar. Light brown in color, very nice wrapper with a double cap. Only one small vein running the length of the cigar, its packed very densely and I couldn’t find a single soft spot.

Clip: My trusty Xikar Multitool, perfect as always.

Pre-Light Draw/Flavor:
A very nice resistive draw, the flavors are that of straw and a little dry, not much there.

First Third:
Initial puff has the flavor of a bit of burnt toast, some dry straw, coffee and cocoa. There is a bit of spice on the retrohale and a good volume of smoke billowing out of my mouth. Into it a little more the toast and straw flavors are gone giving way to flavors of good cocoa and starting to pick up in strength. After taste is leaving a bit to be desired, maybe it’s a little tannic and young.

Second Third:
Getting pretty creamy, smoothing out, chocolate/cocoa is still the dominant flavor, perhaps a bit of leather. The spice on the retrohale is just about perfect for my tastes. Calling this medium-full bodied right now, leaning more on the medium side. Initial undesirable aftertaste has subsided. Leaving a sweet flavor on my palate with hints of vanilla and nutmeg. Burning really cleanly, no touchups as of yet, dense light gray ash, no off tastes and silky texture on the mouth feel.

Final Third:
First burn issue, it started making a run, caught it really quickly with my lighter. Next puff however I lost the ash on the front of my jacket. Flavor still going strong, chocolate/cocoa, leather, cream, bit of dried fruit. Turned very medium bodied with tons of glorious volumes of smoke. This is shaping up to be a very nice early morning smoke.

Final thoughts/conclusion:
A very well made cigar for the first attempt of a well-known company. I am pretty impressed overall, nice medium bodied smoke with good flavors. I would pair this next time with a nice medium roast coffee and perhaps a cheese Danish for breakfast.

Points: I am going to go 88 points on this cigar, nice job Villiger.
Rating - 100%
2   0   0
Jan 22, 2009
Asheville, NC
Believe it or not, I actually go to school with the daughter of the guy that owns that company! We've been friends since middle school, CRAZY! Oh, and thanks for the review!